Biases Related to Aging in Society.
Resources that could be explored. • Morgan, L. A., & Kunkel, S. R. (2016). Aging, society, and the life course (5th ed.). New York, NY: Springer. o Chapter 1, “Aging and Society” (pp. 1–22) o Chapter 2, “Studying Aging” (pp. 23–51) • Boswell, S. S. (2012). Predicting trainee ageism using knowledge, anxiety, compassion, and contact with older adults. Educational Gerontology, 38(11), 733–741. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, Administration for Community Living. (2014). A profile of older Americans: 2014. Retrieved from • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, & World Health Organization. (2011). Global health and aging (NIH Publication No. 11-7737). Retrieved from Media • Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Course Introduction [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes. Health 2.0 (Producer). (2008). Engage with Grace [Video file]. Retrieved from Transcripts hosted with permission of Health 2.0. Part 0ne:Biases Related to Aging in Society. (2pages) When most people think of organizations that focus on aging, they typically think of retirement homes, nursing homes, or hospital facilities. These types of organizations form only a small portion of the broad variety of organizations that focus on issues of aging. These organizations usually specialize in subsets within aging to effect the greatest societal change and human services impact. For example, there are research organizations, government institutions, legal practices, faith-based organizations, nutritionists, and transportation administrations that specialize in services for aging adults. In this paper, you will identify two organizations that focus on aging one local (please pick one from Framingham Massachusetts) and one global. You will evaluate each organization’s mission, programs, impact, and other information. Finally, you will assess your reaction to each organization, including how exploring the organization affected your own biases and preconceptions about aging. To Prepare: Find a local (Framingham Massachusetts) and a global (national or world-wide) organization that focuses on issues of aging. Review the organizations’ websites. Consider the following questions about each organization: •Do the organization’s publications demonstrate ageism? •Does the organization have a philosophy and strategy of supporting aging in place? •Does the organization consider both active and less active older adults? •Do you agree with the organization’s mission and vision? If not, what would you change or add? •How do the organization’s mission, vision, and work support or challenge any biases or preconceptions you have about aging? Write on the mission statement and goals of the organizations. Include the web links. Explain your reactions to the websites as they relate to any biases you may hold regarding aging in society. • Present your writing in APA style Part Two: Self- Perception, judgment, and Biases (2pages) Acknowledging self-perceptions, judgments, and biases is important both in professional practice and in research, because they can cause you to ignore or avoid evidence of anything that might change your mind. In other words, you may focus on anything that agrees with the outcome you subliminally want or belief that you already hold. It is therefore important for you to recognize your self-perceptions, judgments, and biases and then confront them, challenge them, and understand how to keep them from impacting your work. In this paper, you will watch a video that may challenge your preconceived self-perceptions, judgments, and biases about death and dying. Be sure to consider your preconceptions before watching the video and then evaluate how they may have changed after watching the video. If your preconceptions were validated in the video, be sure to note that, as well. To Prepare: Before you view the video in the Learning Resources, write down a few of your own preconceived ideas, biases, and self-perceptions related to aging, death, and dying. View the video Engage With Grace in the Resources. To begin the ongoing dialogue throughout this course regarding self-perceptions, biases, and judgments on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels, share with the class any insights regarding death and dying gained about yourself and/or others from watching the video. Health 2.0 (Producer). (2008). Engage with Grace [Video file]. Retrieved from Transcripts hosted with permission of Health 2.0. Write your preconceived ideas about aging, death, and dying before you watched the video. Then explain your reactions to the video, including whether your previous ideas were confirmed or challenged. Ensure that you explain any insights gained about yourself and/or others regarding death and dying. • Present your writing in APA style
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