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1. During the Industrial Revolution, in all countries

1. During the Industrial Revolution, in all countries, the impact of the railroadsA. increased

the demand for unskilled labor.

B. decreased the demand for unskilled labor.

C. caused domestic labor to be replaced with overseas slave labor.

D. caused domestic markets to be replaced by export markets.

2. It is the case that Taizu

A. could not be controlled by the empress.

B. sometimes humiliated men of learning.

C. was a patient and practical ruler.

D. greatly admired men of learning.

3. Regarding the Napoleonic Code, which of the following statements is false?

A. It assured the political equality of all adult males.

B. It was intended as a measure of reassurance for the aristocracy.

C. It assured the absolute security of wealth and private property.

D. It was intended as a bargain with the French middle class.

4. In the eighteenth century, the concept of liberty was, above all, a demand for

A. universal suffrage.

B. individual human rights.

C. national sovereignty.

D. economic equality.

5. The purpose of the Great Exhibition of 1851 was to

A. abolish slavery.

B. end the revolutions of 1848.

C. show off British industry and inventions.

D. grant rights to women.

6. Under the Tokugawa peace, daimyo

A. social status increased.

B. were heavily engaged in foreign trade.

C. were prohibited from coining money.

D. castle building was encouraged.

7. For the masses, which of the following statements about the significant consequences of the rise of

science is false?

A. As science progressively influenced popular thought, people came to view natural processes as determined by physical laws,

not divine intervention or human will.

B. Faith in science completely displaced the importance of religion in most people’s lives.

C. The methods of science gained great prestige and were seen as the only reliable path to verifiable truth.

D. Daily life experience and exposure to media impressed people with the importance of science.

8. The desire for modernization in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century was initially sparked by

A. strikes and peasant uprisings.

B. the Crimean War.

C. the assassination of Alexander II.

D. defeats administered by Japan.

9. Among the factors that brought about European colonialism, which of the following supported concepts

of racial superiority?

A. The introduction of the steam engine and the telegraph

B. Social Darwinism

C. Economic and trade opportunities

D. The machine gun

10. In the context of global migration, it often occurred that the movement of a business entrepreneur, a

religious leader, or some admired person would encourage others to follow in what is called a/an

A. migration chain.

B. “follow-the-leader” pattern.

C. emulation chain.

D. collective emulation.

11. Regarding trade and social change in Africa, which statement is true?

A. As late as 1750, Europeans viewed the slave trade as legitimate business.

B. The transatlantic slave trade coincided with a substantial decline of slavery within Africa.

C. The most important development in West Arica before European conquest was reliance on exporting salt.

D. The West Africa Squadron succeeded in obstructing about 30 percent of the African slave trade.

12. In the context of African and Asian resistance to European colonialism, the nonconformists who

became anti-imperialist activists were, above all, motivated by

A. the quest for economic justice.

B. the issue of human dignity.

C. the need to adopt Western technology.

D. the West’s failure to live up to their liberal ideals.

13. During the great expansion of global trade in the nineteenth century, the conquest of distance was

associated with all of the following, except

A. aircraft.

B. the Panama Canal.

C. steamships.

D. railroads.

14. In 1557, the third Dalai Lama accepted an invitation to visit with Mongolia’s Altan Khan. As a result of

that visit,

A. Tibetan monasteries became Mongol castles.

B. Tibetan monasteries were moved to Mongolia.

C. Tibetan Buddhism became the official religion of the Mongols.

D. the Mongols accepted Buddhism but continued the practice of blood sacrifice.

15. Which of the following was the first western country to grant women’s suffrage in 1914?

A. Prussia

B. Russia

C. Norway

D. France

16. In 1789, the National Assembly revoked the privileges of the aristocracy. This occurred in reaction to

A. a peasant uprising.

B. the storming of the Bastille.

C. Louis XVI’s withdrawal of troops from Paris.

D. discontent among the poor people of Paris.

17. The Mines Act of 1842 had the effect of

A. weakening the concept of separate spheres based on gender.

B. introducing steam-driven pumps in the mines.

C. prohibiting underground work for women and girls.

D. ending child labor in coal mines.

18. During the period leading to the revolutions of 1848, the doctrines of socialism were first developed in

A. Austria.

B. Germany.

C. England.

D. France.

19. As an immediate result of the Battle of Trafalgar,

A. Napoleon’s plan to invade Britain was aborted.

B. both the French and the British fleets were demolished.

End of exam

C. the German states were reorganized in Napoleon’s interest.

D. Sweden joined the European alliance against Napoleon.

20. With respect to the ascendance of the Manchu Dynasty, what was the role of General Wu Sangui?

A. He opened the Great Wall to admit the Manchu forces.

B. He defended the Great Wall against the Manchu horde.

C. He led Ming forces against the Manchu.

D. He formed the military units known as banners.

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