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1. In 1963, the United States, Britain,

1. In 1963, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union signed an agreement A. banning nuclear

proliferation. B. to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles. C. banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere. D. to ban nuclear testing. 2. The main factor behind recent civil wars has been A. famine. B. economic nationalism. C. ethnic rivalries. D. neocolonialism. 3. After Mandela suspended the African National Congress’s armed struggle in 1990, negotiations between Mandela and de Klerk led to all of the following, except A. universal suffrage. B. economy stimulus packages. C. black majority rule. D. guaranteed job security for white government workers. 4. Which of the Asian “economic tigers” became a Special Administrative Region in China? A. Taiwan B. Singapore C. Hong Kong D. South Korea 5. Since the stunning 2002 electoral victory of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the people of Turkey have been concerned that the AKP will A. challenge Turkey’s strict separation of church and state. B. restore Ottoman-style authoritarianism. C. embrace radical socialism. D. attempt to spread Turkish culture across the Middle East. 6. Within Lebanon, Hezbollah can best be thought of as A. anti-Zionist Sunni extremists. B. the military arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization. C. a militant Shi’a political organization. D. a peace-seeking legislative faction within Lebanon’s parliament. 7. Within Third World countries, which of the following statements comes closest to characterizing economic growth without economic development? A. Enormous multinational profits fund social reforms in order to maintain political stability. B. Profits go to multinationals and elites and are not used to develop the country. C. Economic growth is accompanied by natural radical resource depletion. D. The urban poor participate in a bazaar economy. 8. Analysis reveals that _______ is among those countries with the lowest per capita GDP. A. Romania B. Mexico C. India D. Argentina 9. In Latin America, economic nationalism has been most successful in A. Nicaragua. B. Argentina. C. Chile. D. Brazil. 10. In 2007, what incident led to Pervez Musharraf’s fall from power in Pakistan? A. The replacement of the chief justice of the Supreme Court with one of his political allies B. The international reaction to Pakistan’s acquisition of nuclear weapons C. The election of Benazir Bhutto’s husband to the presidency D. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto 11. Among the many Eastern European revolutions of 1989, the only violent, bloody revolution took place in A. Hungary. B. Romania. C. Czechoslovakia. D. Poland. 12. After the death of Stalin in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev initiated a program of de-Stalinization. A foreign policy ramification of that program proposed an atmosphere of _______ with the West. A. positive relations B. détente C. stabile relations D. peaceful coexistence 13. Demographic factors that contributed to the rise of the counterculture included all of the following, except A. the use of LSD and other psychedelics led to widespread impulsive behavior. B. mass communications and youth travel spread the counterculture over North America and Europe. C. postwar prosperity meant that young people had significant purchasing power. D. the postwar baby boom meant that young people made up a large portion of the population. 14. Following the death of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping initiated a campaign for “Four Modernizations.” These included all the following, except A. universal health care. B. industry. C. science and technology. D. agriculture. 15. According to your textbook, which of the following has had the greatest impact on human communication? A. Cell phones B. The Internet C. Television D. Radio 16. In French-speaking Africa, which state adopted radical Marxism? A. Mali B. Ivory Coast C. Senegal D. Ghana 17. In 1964, a loose union of Palestine refugees led to the formation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) under Yasir Arafat. What was the aim of the PLO? A. Establishing Palestinian self-rule in their original homeland B. Driving Israel from East Jerusalem C. Establishing a Pan-Arab League D. Evicting Israel from Palestine 18. After Indonesia was declared independent in 1949, the first leader of that nation was A. Sukarno. B. a multi-ethnic congress. C. Suharto. D. Susilo Yudhoyono. 19. Regarding multinational corporations in the era of globalization, which of the following statements is End of exam false? A. Their activities were sharply restrained by national governments. B. They could invest large sums of money in research and development. C. They could sustain monopolies on their products and services. D. They used sophisticated promotion and advertising to sell their products around the world. 20. The concept of “Vietnamization” was initiated by A. Richard Nixon. B. John Kennedy. C. Dwight Eisenhower. D. Lyndon Johnson.

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