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1. In the 1840s, the Spanish recruited _______ laborers to work on plantations in Cuba

1. In the 1840s, the Spanish recruited _______ laborers to work on plantations in Cuba. A. Chinese B. Vietnamese

C. Indonesian D. Japanese 2. During World War I, Western imperialism was most evident in A. Africa. B. Southeast Asia. C. East Asia. D. the Middle East. 3. All the following factors were associated with the March Revolution, except A. the Duma’s proclamation of a provisional government. B. the arrival of Lenin in Moscow. C. the abdication of Nicholas II. D. the murder of Alexandra’s advisor, Rasputin. 4. Regarding Mexico’s Porfirio Díaz, which statement is true? A. He enacted laws that favored wealthy elites. B. He reformed the hacienda system. C. He overthrew the Mexican Revolution of 1910. D. He freed many peasant farmers from debt peonage. 5. While imprisoned, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. In this work, he laid out his views on all the following, except A. Germany’s need for increased “living space.” B. Aryan (Germanic) racial superiority. C. an alliance with Italy. D. anti-Semitism. 6. In British India, the Rowlatt Acts led to A. a weakening of nationalism in India. B. an agreement to grant India Commonwealth status. C. the Amritsar conference. D. extensive rioting. 7. In Asia, in response to foreign incursions, where there was a long literary history, intellectuals A. were impressed with alternate modes of writing B. tried to drive the foreigners away. C. attempted to emulate foreign writers. D. committed suicide. 8. In the aftermath of World War I, Western literature could be described by any of the following terms, except A. pessimism. B. relativism. C. romanticism. D. alienation. 9. Regarding Japan’s ultranationalists, which statement is false? A. They were strongly anti-Communist. B. They were strongly anti-Western. C. They rejected democracy. D. They supported big business. 10. During the nineteenth century, immigrants from India to the new world usually ended up A. as domestic servants. B. as indentured laborers. C. panning for gold. D. working on railroad construction. 11. In South America by 1914, _______ featured one the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. A. Chile B. Venezuela C. Peru D. Argentina 12. In Australia, _______ was the name given to ex-felons who had served their sentences. A. exclusionists B. emancipists C. parolees D. internists 13. In 1938, British Prime Minister Chamberlain declared a final act of appeasement A. when Hitler’s claim on the Sudetenland was accepted. B. immediately following the Nazi occupation of Austria. C. after Hitler attacked Poland. D. after Hitler’s forces occupied the Rhineland. 14. During World War I, the people of China and Japan A. strongly opposed the war on moral grounds. B. supported the Triple Entente. C. didn’t care who won the war. D. supported the Central Powers. 15. In 1927, how did Chiang Kai-shek resolve disputes between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party? A. He offered Taiwan to the Communists. B. He initiated the New Culture Movement. C. He decided to liquidate members of the Communist Party. D. He specified boundaries between Nationalist and Communist territories. 16. In 1867, _______ overthrew the Tokugawa Shogunate to initiate the Meiji restoration. A. Zen priests B. samurai C. peasants D. barbarians 17. Who advocated a “counter-cyclical policy” after World War II that became a well-established weapon against depression? A. Franklin Delano Roosevelt B. Herbert Hoover C. Leon Trotsky D. John Maynard Keynes 18. Which of these World War II battles established overall equality between the U.S. and Japanese naval powers? A. Battle of Leyte Gulf B. Battle of Guadalcanal C. Battle of the Coral Sea D. Battle of Midway 19. In 1868, General W. T. Sherman brokered the Treaty of Fort Laramie, declaring that the Dakotas would remain the ancestral territory of the A. Sioux and Cheyenne. B. Delaware, Shawnee, and Wyandot. C. Cherokee. End of exam D. Creek and Cherokee. 20. In 1916, France and Britain secretly agreed on a partition of six Middle Eastern states. The agreement became known as the A. Sykes-Picot agreement. B. Treaty of Lausanne. C. Damascus agreement. D. Balfour Declaration

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