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1. Jan and Lita are discussing police administrators.

1. Jan and Lita are discussing police administrators. Jan says that police administrators who keep focus on past

successes and rely on cosmetic changes to adjust to new organizational changes are reactive administrators. Lita says that they’re proactive administrators. Who is correct? A. Only Jan is correct. B. Both are correct. C. Neither is correct. D. Only Lita is correct. 2. Estela resists change in her police department because of habit and security. Estela is resisting change due to A. her fear of not knowing what is to come. B. her values and ideals. C. her comfort with her work situation and her feeling threatened by change. D. her loss of position. 3. When accountability starts at top management and permeates an entire organization, this is in effect A. mission success. B. proactive accountability. C. stakeholder rewards. D. TOPSIS. 4. A new police commander should communicate a vision that’s simple, of value to his or her people, and A. broad. B. attainable. C. devoid of issues related to employee treatment. D. based in law. 5. Determining whether a tactic is effective requires the tactic to be A. adhered to by operational goals. B. focused on strategy. C. considered with external forces. D. proven over time. 6. Problem-oriented policing approaches the diagnosis and correction of problems through which of the following? A. POP B. ALDA C. SARA D. MADD 7. Another way of expressing an organization’s guiding principles, or core beliefs, is through its A. vision statement. B. objectives. C. value statements. D. strategic plan. 8. Xavior and Ned are discussing measurement criteria: objective, general, and specific. Ned says objective measures are arrest data, crime rates, and calls for service. Xavior says general measures are citizens’ level of fear, perception of community safety, and satisfaction with police activities. Who is correct? A. Only Xavior is correct. B. Both are correct. C. Only Ned is correct. D. Neither is correct. 9. When strategy is developed through the planned use of internal resources and organizational strengths to respond to external forces, the organization is said to be thinking A. inside-out. B. forward. C. outside-in. D. upside down. 10. William has been asked to define the sense of direction or purpose that’s to be shared throughout a police organization. William will create which of the following? A. Objective transformation B. Mobilization of commitment C. Organizational strategy D. Strategic vision 11. A plan to collect data on job performance within an organization should have all of the following except A. an administrative schedule. B. a collection strategy. C. names of personnel. D. a timetable. 12. Getting an organization ready for changes requires a process known as A. modeling. B. readying. C. unfreezing. D. prepping. 13. Employees are considered truly accountable when they can do all of the following except A. explain their authority. B. present their contract for employment. C. take responsibility for their work. D. report on the results of the execution of their jobs. 14. SARA is a problem-solving approach that consists of four stages. What are the four stages? A. Solving, Analyzing, Reiterating, and Achieving B. Scanning, Authorizing, Response, and Assessing C. Securing, Achieving, Responding, and Asserting D. Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment 15. Police organizations have been forced to increase their accountability because of A. domestic violence. B. lessened availability of public resources. C. declining public services. D. expanded justice information. 16. Dana and Tia are discussing performance improvement. Dana says the systematic approach to performance improvement that includes performance objectives and measurement is performanceenhanced management. Tia says it’s performance-based management. Who is correct? A. Neither is correct. B. Only Dana is correct. C. Only Tia is correct. D. Both are correct. 17. Organizations change due to new laws or pressure because of which of the following? A. External forces B. Operational requirements C. Community Efforts D. Socioculture factors 18. Goals and objectives are used to measure performance outcomes. Goals broadly state desired outcomes. An objective should include a time frame, a target, a result, and which of the following? A. Strategies B. Decisions C. Criterion D. Incedence End of exam 19. Changes in an employee’s values, interests, and job performance cause A. intrapersonal pressures. B. undesirable circumstances. C. organizational reprioritization. D. participatory stress. 20. Police departments usually impose change unilaterally because of their A. responsibility to political appointees. B. paramilitary

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