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1. The primary theme of _______ ethics is impartiality.

1. The primary theme of _______ ethics is impartiality. A. utilitarian B. defense-lawyer C. prosecutorial D.

judicial 2. An attorney who wants to write a book about a case he or she is involved in A. may only use a ghostwriter. B. is prohibited from doing so. C. must include his or her client as co-author. D. may not negotiate with a publisher until he or she no longer represents the affected client. 3. Frivolous legal claims are those that A. aren’t winnable. B. don’t have merit. C. call for the reversal of existing law. D. have a great number of arguable issues. 4. If an attorney knows his client has lied on the stand, that attorney is ethically required to A. recall his client to the stand and re-ask the question. B. notify the court. C. do nothing. D. recuse himself from the case. 5. A lawyer’s promise to maintain confidentiality may be broken if A. the information is a matter of public knowledge. B. a crime is being committed. C. the senior partner of his or her firm demands it. D. the lawyer is talking to another lawyer. 6. Prosecutor Ray Thomas has discovered that he prosecuted an innocent man. It’s now his ethical responsibility to A. remedy the conviction. B. do nothing. C. apply to the parole board. D. tell the defense attorney to reopen the case. 7. Which of the following is acceptable behavior on the part of a prosecutor? A. Knowingly making false statements in the course of plea discussions B. Speaking to the media about the character or credibility of a suspect or witness C. Not disclosing evidence to the defense D. Choosing whether to charge or not charge a person 8. A lawyer can ethically reveal the confidences of a client when the A. client consents. B. lawyer is convinced the information will help his client’s case. C. lawyer must share the information with the prosecutor during a plea bargaining. D. lawyer discovers the client lied on the stand. 9. Which of the following statements regarding the action of prosecutors is true? A. A prosecutor is allowed to pursue charges when there’s no probable cause. B. A prosecutor has no duty to the public as a representative of the state. C. A prosecutor must seek justice, not merely a conviction. D. A prosecutor is allowed much less discretion than other criminal justice professionals. 10. Procrastinating on a legal case violates ABA Model Rule for A. meritorious claims. B. fairness to opposing party. C. due diligence. D. communication. 11. Extrajudicial commentary by attorneys is ethically prohibited because it A. is rarely anything less than slanderous. B. violate client confidentiality. C. tips off opposing counsel as to the legal strategy being used. D. can prejudice the jury or jury pool. 12. The American Bar Association recommends all attorneys provide at least _______ hours of pro bono representation each year. A. 140 B. 100 C. 40 D. 50 13. Burying an opposing counsel in frivolous discovery paperwork is a violation of ABA Model Rule A. 1.4 Communication. B. 1.3 Due Diligence. C. 3.3 Candor Toward the Tribunal. D. 3.4 Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel. 14. If an attorney believes that he or she isn’t competent to handle a case, he or she may ethically do all of the following except A. accept the case and try to get up to speed on the material. B. accept the case on behalf of another attorney. C. accept the case but work with another attorney. D. decline the case. 15. If the client tells the attorney where the murder weapon is and the attorney goes to check, the attorney must then A. tell the judge only but not the police. B. return the weapon to the client and ask him or her not to display the object again. C. offer the weapon to the police. D. do nothing. 16. Judges attain office via three methods in the United States. They include all the following except A. appointment. B. election. C. seniority. D. merit promotion. 17. Which of the following statements applies to the judicial process? A. Specific rules exist concerning when a prosecutor and a judge can discuss an ongoing case without the presence of a defense attorney. B. If the defense files a motion requesting pertinent evidence, a prosecutor must hand it over. C. A prosecutor can communicate with a defendant outside the presence of the defendant’s attorney. D. A prosecutor should never take steps to avoid allowing false testimony on the stand. 18. The American Bar Association’s judicial code emphasizes that judges should avoid _______ as well as actual bias. A. the appearance of impropriety B. the appearance of bias C. accusations of bias D. extrajudicial activities that might cause bias 19. Ethics rules prohibit an attorney from representing a client at a trial when the attorney A. has other clients with similar issues. B. has a financial stake in the outcome of the trial. C. will be called as a witness. End of exam D. is related to the client. 20. Basic ethical responsibilities of a lawyer include which of the following? A. Steadfastness B. Locality C. Competence D. Loyalty

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