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1. Which of the following best defines personality?

1. Which of the following best defines personality? A. How a human being responds to various stimuli B. A

biologically determined component of human beings C. The unique combination of how one thinks and behaves D. How a child is reared drives his or her behavior 2. When a manager changes the attitudes of employees by setting a good example, he is using which of the following means to create a positive organizational culture? A. Negative reinforcement B. Communication C. Positive reinforcement D. Modeling 3. Behavior that involves cognitive adaptations that enhance a human being’s ability to cope with changes and to manipulate one’s environment is _______ behavior. A. self-initiated B. inherited C. operant D. innate 4. E.R.G. theory differs from Maslow’s in that A. E.R.G. contends there are seven levels of need. B. E.R.G. has no hierarchical progression. C. E.R.G. poses less goal-oriented behavior. D. the hierarchy of more complex. 5. Ron and Sid are discussing beliefs and ideas. Ron says that ideas are mental images of something imagined, seen, or known. Sid says beliefs are thoughts accepted as good or true. Who is correct? A. Only Ron is correct. B. Both are correct. C. Only Sid is correct. D. Neither is correct. 6. Which of the following is not believed to drive the development of one’s personality? A. Intelligence B. Situation C. Heredity D. Culture 7. Which of the following does not fit the interactional psychological assumption of human behavior? A. The person is active in the process, both changing the situation and being changed by it B. Behavior is a function of a continuous, multidirectional interaction between the person and the situation. C. The subjective situation and the person’s objective view of the situation are important. D. People differ from each other in many characteristics, including cognition, emotion, motivation, and ability. 8. Reacting to a stimulus in a particular way is a component of A. early childhood. B. behavior. C. social structure. D. personality. 9. Uma and Jade are discussing the expectancy theory. Uma says that one of the theory’s variables, valence, is the strength of the officer’s preference for a certain outcome. Jade says another of the theory’s variables, instrumentality, is the officer’s belief that if he or she reaches a certain performance level, a reward will be forthcoming. Who is correct? A. Only Jade is correct. B. Neither is correct. C. Both are correct. D. Only Uma is correct. 10. If an officer has a need for competence, accomplishment, and to solve problems, the officer has a need for A. survival. B. power. C. affiliation. D. achievement. 11. According to Freud, which part of the mind is concerned about morality? A. Ego B. Id C. Superego D. Subego 12. Which of the following is not one of the ways people acquire attitudes? A. Direct experience B. Association C. Social learning D. Value expression 13. Whether individual police behavior is good or bad depends on which of the following? A. Interaction with significant others B. Police operational experience and how individuals adjust to it C. Peer evaluations D. Field training 14. Concentrating on a single personal trait to make a judgment about another person is considered what type of perception organizer? A. Halo effect B. Expectancy C. Projection D. Stereotyping 15. Managers who have High-Machs personalities tend to A. be very emotional. B. approach tasks logically and thoughtfully. C. tell the truth. D. feel guilty when they manipulate others. 16. Rich and Ada are discussing locus of control. Rich says that officers who believe their performance doesn’t affect their possibility of promotion have a strong external locus of control. Ada says that officers who believe their performance does affect their possibility of promotion have a strong internal locus of control. Who is correct? A. Neither is correct. B. Only Rich is correct. C. Only Ada is correct. D. Both are correct. 17. The process by which people organize and interpret sensory input is A. persuasion. B. thought. C. perception. D. cognition. 18. Which of the following is considered an attitude? A. A standard B. The rank of a situation or object compared to others C. A single belief about an object or situation D. A general point of view about a specific object or situation End of exam 19. The most basic of the human needs described by Maslow is A. survival. B. security. C. self-actualization. D. ego. 20. Gordon Allport and H. S. Odbert identified three modes of traits that influence behavior. They include all of the following except A. cardinal. B. central. C. ordinal. D. secondary

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