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1. Who sometimes acts as an adversary to the police by exposing unethical behavior?

1. Who sometimes acts as an adversary to the police by exposing unethical behavior? A. Commissions B. Media C.

Citizens D. Researchers 2. The idea that an employee’s attitude toward work is largely influenced by his or her individual characteristics comes from the _______ model. A. trait B. ethics C. importation D. environmental 3. The _______ theory of leadership emphasizes the relationship between the leader and his or her subordinates. A. objective B. train C. contingency D. learning 4. Which event established warnings to safeguard against coercive interrogation techniques by a police officer? A. Miranda v. Arizona B. The Patriot Act C. Frye v. United States D. Mapp v. Ohio 5. A primary objective of a criminal justice leader is to ensure line officers A. teach less experienced officers the subculture of the police force. B. maintain friendships with those in power and wealth. C. make arrests and oversee communities. D. act professionally and ethically at all times. 6. The Wickersham Commission was established by President A. Hoover. B. Nixon. C. Eisenhower. D. Kennedy. 7. “Hostile environment” and “quid pro quo sexual harassment” were defined in A. Miranda v. Arizona. B. Katz v. Dole. C. Dole v. Ward. D. Katz v. Siempre. 8. Which of the following drives police actions the most? A. Political pressure B. Police subculture C. Rule book D. Code of ethics 9. The alderman system of policing, established during the nineteenth century, was considered A. the model that modern police forces should follow. B. highly disorganized and decentralized. C. the best deterrent to organized crime. D. organized and efficient. 10. When criminal justice supervisors lack good judgement in the application of rules, they open themselves and their organization to A. dissolution. B. rigidity. C. liability clams. D. lack of morale. 11. The tendency to rationalize one’s behavior, avoid pain, gain rewards, and weigh risks and benefits while learning unethical behavior is explained by the _______ theory. A. rational-choice B. values-learned C. legitimacy D. noble-cause 12. According to the _______ leadership model, each situation is different and calls for a particular leadership style. A. importation B. supervision C. contingency D. leadership 13. The clearest reward a cadet can earn by learning the do’s and don’ts of the police subculture is A. receiving medals. B. accumulation of merits. C. rapid promotion. D. inclusion in the subculture. 14. When allegations of abuse in power arise, correctional supervisors must immediately initiate A. discovering who is to blame. B. the Code of Silence. C. firing the officer allegedly involved. D. an investigation. 15. The most scholarly viewpoint on how criminal justice professionals learn ethical and unethical behavior is the _______ approach. A. rational-choice B. values-added C. values-learned D. differential 16. Which of the following is an element of community policing? A. Moving decision-making and discretion upward to office supervisors B. Maintaining an anonymous relationship with the community C. Focusing on emergency response D. Encouraging citizens to help in preventing and solving crimes 17. _______ justice is concerned with the allocation of goods and burdens of society to its respective members. A. Distributive B. Equal C. Commutative D. Corrective 18. Individuals who say their unethical actions were justified because nobody got hurt are using the responsibility-neutralizing technique called A. denial of responsibility. B. appeal to higher loyalty. C. denial of injury. D. denial of the victim. 19. The watchman style of policing evolved due to A. the Gold Rush of 1849. B. railroad construction. C. the Boston Tea Party. D. urbanization. 20. Which perspective relates to how officers learn ethical and unethical behavior through the process of culturalization and socialization into the police organization? A. The operant behavior B. The values-learned C. The predispositional D. The rational choice 21. It’s true that bar associations A. are well staffed to handle complaints. B. can’t sanction attorneys for ethical violations. C. are only authorized to sanction attorneys for criminal code violations. D. sanction attorneys for ethical violations. 22. Not representing a co-defendant in a burglary charge is part of which ethical consideration? A. Perjury B. Zealous representation of client C. Conflict of interest D. Lawyer-client confidentiality 23. State licensing requires that lawyers engage in A. ethical codes. B. continuing education. C. criminal law. D. trials. 24. An attorney who wants to write a book about a case he or she is involved in A. may only use a ghostwriter. B. is prohibited from doing so. C. must include his or her client as co-author. D. may not negotiate with a publisher until he or she no longer represents the affected client. 25. Judges attain office via three methods in the United States. They include all the following except A. appointment. B. seniority. C. merit promotion. D. election. 26. Ethics rules prohibit an attorney from representing a client at a trial when the attorney A. has other clients with similar issues. B. will be called as a witness. C. is related to the client. D. has a financial stake in the outcome of the trial. 27. Federal Rule of Evidence 605 prohibits A. attorneys representing the prosecution from being witnesses in a trial. B. recusal of judges in trial matters. C. judges hearing a case to participate as a witness in said case. D. attorneys representing a defendant from being witnesses in a trial. 28. A lawyer can ethically reveal the confidences of a client when the A. lawyer is convinced the information will help his client’s case. B. lawyer discovers the client lied on the stand. C. lawyer must share the information with the prosecutor during a plea bargaining. D. client consents. 29. If an attorney believes that he or she isn’t competent to handle a case, he or she may ethically do all of the following except A. accept the case but work with another attorney. B. decline the case. C. accept the case on behalf of another attorney. D. accept the case and try to get up to speed on the material. 30. If an attorney knows his client has lied on the stand, that attorney is ethically required to A. notify the court. B. recuse himself from the case. C. do nothing. D. recall his client to the stand and re-ask the question. 31. Exculpatory evidence does not need to be divulged to A. the prosecution. B. a federal grand jury. C. the defense. D. the judge. 32. Which of the following is acceptable behavior on the part of a prosecutor? A. Not disclosing evidence to the defense B. Knowingly making false statements in the course of plea discussions C. Choosing whether to charge or not charge a person D. Speaking to the media about the character or credibility of a suspect or witness 33. A lawyer’s promise to maintain confidentiality may be broken if A. the senior partner of his or her firm demands it. B. the information is a matter of public knowledge. C. the lawyer is talking to another lawyer. D. a crime is being committed. 34. Which of the following statements regarding judicial behavior is true? A. Judges have the least discretion in interpreting the law and deciding sentences. B. The primary theme of judicial ethics is impartiality. C. A judge has no duty to conclude judicial processing with reasonable punctuality. D. The judiciary doesn’t have its own code of ethics. 35. Extrajudicial commentary by attorneys is ethically prohibited because it A. can prejudice the jury or jury pool. B. violate client confidentiality. C. is rarely anything less than slanderous. D. tips off opposing counsel as to the legal strategy being used. 36. The American Bar Association’s judicial code emphasizes that judges should avoid _______ as well as actual bias. A. accusations of bias B. the appearance of bias C. the appearance of impropriety D. extrajudicial activities that might cause bias 37. Burying an opposing counsel in frivolous discovery paperwork is a violation of ABA Model Rule A. 1.4 Communication. B. 3.4 Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel. C. 3.3 Candor Toward the Tribunal. D. 1.3 Due Diligence. 38. Basic ethical responsibilities of a lawyer include which of the following? A. Loyalty B. Steadfastness C. Competence D. Locality 39. Which of the following statements is true regarding conflict of interest? A. Lawyers have no conflict-of-interest rules. B. As long as attorneys can handle themselves professionally, they can represent clients who may have interests that conflict with their own. C. Lawyers can accept clients with conflicting interests as long as they follow the Model Rules. D. Defense attorneys can’t represent co-defendants in criminal actions. 40. With regard to the ethical code of lawyers, the ABA Model Rules A. aren’t concerned with behavior. B. have few similarities with the law enforcement code of ethics. C. are concerned with a lawyer’s conduct toward the client and the court. D. are an aspirational code of ethics.

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