2-2 Final Project Milestone One – Functional Model Jason Wedge Southern New Hampshire University IT-315-X3221_17EW3: IT-315-X3221 Object Orient…
4-1 Final Project Part II Milestone One: SIS Structural Model: CRC Cards, Class Diagrams, and Reflection
Jason Wedge
Southern New Hampshire University
IT-315-X3221 Object Orient Analysis/Design 17EW3
Class Name: Course | ID: 1 | Type: Concrete, Domain | |
Description: A class course to be learnt by students | Associated Use Cases: Preserve the content and Course records | ||
Responsibilities Display of the Courses Add Course Retrieve Course Delete Course Modify Course | Collaborators | ||
Attributes: ID for the Course The Course Name Credit Hours of the course Description of the course Prerequisite Course |
Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other Associations: |
Class Name: Class | ID: 2 | Type:Abstract, Domain | |
Description: Related Classes that are considered as part of a course to be taken by the students. | Associated Use Cases: Preserve the content and Course records | ||
Responsibilities Display of the Classes Delete the Class Modify the Class Add a Class Display of the Courses | Collaborators Course | ||
Attributes: Course for the (ID) identification Date of Class to Begin Class End Date The Class Status |
Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other Associations: Course |
Class Name:OnlineClass | ID: 3 | Type:Concrete, Domain | |
Description: An online class to be taken by the students | Associated Use Cases: Preserve the content and Course records | ||
Responsibilities ADD the Online Class Delete the Class Modify the Class | Collaborators Class Class | ||
Attributes: Class Web URL The Class Browser |
Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Class Aggregation (has-parts): Other Associations: |
Class Name:FaceToFaceClass | ID: 4 | Type:Concrete, Domain | |
Description: A class that will be taken from the campus | Associated Use Cases: Preserve the content and Course records | ||
Responsibilities Add Face-to-Face-Class Delete the Class Modify the Class | Collaborators Class Class | ||
Attributes: Class Building Class Room |
Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Class Aggregation (has-parts): Other Associations: |
Class Name:Student | ID: 5 | Type:Concrete, Domain | |
Description: Registered students for classes attending | Associated Use Cases: Preserve the content and Course records | ||
Responsibilities Add name of the Student Retrieve the Student Delete the Student Modify the name of the Student | Collaborators | ||
Attributes: First Name Middle Initial of the name The Last Name of the student Student (ID) identification Department of the course taken Date of Birth of the student GPA |
Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other Associations: |
Class Name: Registration | ID: 6 | Type: Concrete Domain | |
Description: Process for registering Students for classes | Associated Use Cases: Register a Student for Classes | ||
Responsibilities Validation of the Registration Display of the Validation Message Display the Confirmation Message Creation of the Registration Record Update the Class Enrollment Select Class from the given List Display the Courses Display of the Classes Retrieve Student | Course Class Student | ||
Attributes: Student (ID) identification Course (ID) identification Registry Date f the course Student GPA |
Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Course, Class, Student Other Associations: |
I took the information such as names and function names from my SRS Activity Diagram as well as from the SRS Requirements given in the files.
The course as used in the class: I applied a frequent association with one in relation to the much cardinality because one is required to only work with one course as he or she progresses to the other one.
Class to Online Class and Face-To-Face Class:
I decided to use a parent to the child connection because a class usually comprises of either online or face-to-face.
Student registration, the course and class:
In this section, I used aggregation associations from the Student/Course/Class in the process of registration. I did so because during registration process one will be required to access a section of the available classes but not the whole class. This method also looks more appropriate.
Student Registration or Course cardinality:
In this section, I came up with a specified number 1 to 1 because it applies to every registration record and that there can only be a single student and a single course that they will be registering.
Class cardinality Registration:
Sometimes students end up registering multiple classes; therefore, I used this method so that the entire student can pass the rules of validation.
CRC Cards:
Name: refers to class name
ID: I used a 1-6 sequential (ID) identification
Kind: having an exclusion of the “class” on the CRC card, I assigned all the Domain. I used Concrete because it is obvious that these objects have to be able to be formed because the domain itself is in the work domain.
Besides application of the basic information as well as the Registration card, the remaining CRC cards ought to be clear as I went through the diagram several times.
Registration the card involves additional rationalization because the attributes given were not given as a component of what is needed however; they had to be independently determined.
Student ID: It identifies the specific student
Course ID: It identifies what
is being registered for.
Registration Date: It
identifies the specific date that the student registered
Student GPA: It identifies the
student’s current GPA for validation function.
I left out some of the things such as terms and conditions because it is not in the requirement. In this case, I assumed that the terms and conditions has already been analyzed and understood during the display courses as well as in the time of class displays and that they are already taken into consideration through the process which is found outside this assignment’s scope.
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