2 Discussion Questions, 2 Student responses
Due tomorrow, Sunday August 4th 2019, if you can not produce this by tomorrow or sooner please do not respond. Criminal Justice and World Culture. Original Work only and citing. Thanks
Search the Internet for financial information about the company selected. Evaluate the
Search the Internet for financial information about the company selected. Evaluate the following in a 150 word summary: Characteristics of common and preferred stock.
Please upload your 2-page Overview proposal in APA format here before the
Please upload your 2-page Overview proposal in APA format here before the start of class on July 13 in MS-Word. See the syllabus for a description of Assignment 1. I will edit it and give it back to you. I will discuss each proposal (privately) with each student. You Are: Creating a Predictive Analytics Business; You make predictions after analyzing volumes of data You are Not: Selling PCs; Analyzing someone’s business to improve their sales
please write a minimum of two (2) paragraphs with at least
please write a minimum of two (2) paragraphs with at least one (1) different in-text citation on the Five Encryption Methods for National Infrastructure Protection. Please ensure your plagiarism score does not exceed 30%
Please share your thoughts, ideas, comments and / or questions concerning Week
Please share your thoughts, ideas, comments and / or questions concerning Week 5’s lecture.
Please submit the following assignment prior to lunch on Saturday of
Please submit the following assignment prior to lunch on Saturday of residency. 1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please post one federal and one state statute utilizing standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each statute. 2. In the same document, please post one federal and one state case using standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each case. In this, and all future writing assignments, please save and submit all your work as a Microsoft Word file (unless otherwise appropriate, e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint). Make sure to save your files using the convention LAST NAME, FIRST INITIAL, COURSE ABBREVIATION, SEMESTER AND YEAR, AND ACTIVITY NAME OR NUMBER.
Question Please only question 2 to be done (a and b) read the
Please only question 2 to be done (a and b) read the information from file i have sent
Question Produce a quality plan for an activity or operation on a contract
Produce a quality plan for an activity or operation on a contract
Question This paper is part of the order ID2204407147I therefore ask that the
This paper is part of the order ID2204407147I therefore ask that the same writer (156804).handles it. I have been on chat with him since he completed the previous one. And we are yet to clarify a few things from conclusion. I include instructions. on the folder attached. The re-write should have research purpose, qualitative analysis, Research Method; Case study, Within-Case study, Significance, Ethical Reasons, Execution, Limit to research.Avoid plagiarism, rearrange in logical order and have in same template once finished.
Uses of Efficient Frontier Analysis in SRM
Chapter 22 presented a case study in creating value from uncertainty, and chapter 25 presented the use of efficient frontier analysis in SRM. Assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate risks of the portfolio presented in chapter 25. How would you explain the results of the analysis to non-technical decision-makers? What recommendation would you make, assuming the risk appetite presented in chapter 25? To complete this assignment, you must do the following: A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate risks of the portfolio presented in chapter 25. How would you explain the results of the analysis to non-technical decision makers? What recommendation would you make, assuming the risk appetite presented in chapter 25?
Question Remember to bring these cases and companies into the current business environment
Remember to bring these cases and companies into the current business environment included recent information about the company. So remember to include other resources of information and where you get them from, such as the school library, or other reputable business websites. Attached is the case, please feel free to use current sources as well. Also is a financial worksheet and the assignment questions. Please see attached
NU 627_Plan for Success (for Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam)
Once you have completed your post-predictor exam you will download your exam results into a PDF. Review your results and develop your ‘certification exam success’ plan. Along with any other items you may be directed to include by your certification exam success coach, minimally your plan should include the following :1. study materials/resources you will use for certification exam prep2. plans for taking a certification exam review course, if any (online or in person) 3. an outline of your time management/timeline for executing your certification exam prep activities
Question This paper is to be APA style, minimum 2 pages. It does
This paper is to be APA style, minimum 2 pages. It does not require an abstract. In this paper, I want you to look back at the same questions I asked of you at the beginning of the semester and tell me if any of your answers have changed. Once again, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers to these questions, these are your opinions. They may have changed, they may not have changed. Either way, I want to see how you think now that you have completed this course. Please see Attachment B of your syllabus for the contents to be included in this paper. Please let me know if you have any questions about this assignment.The first section of the paper is to be your thoughts / beliefs about mental health. What do think mental health is? How would you describe mental health? How would you describe someone that is mentally ill? Do you have any personal / work experience with mentally ill individuals? What do you expect to learn from this course? What do you believe the clinical experience will be like? Have you ever thought about working in the mental health field? Anything that you feel about mental health that you want to tell me, include this in this section of the paper. (I will attach my first paper)These are the second group of questions.The final submission of your paper will be of your thoughts / beliefs about mental health now that you have had this course and the clinical experience. Have your thoughts / beliefs changed? (My thoughts are the same. No changes). If so, how? What did you think about the clinical experience, how would you describe it to someone who has never been inside of the facility before? (I would describe it somewhat like a prison with all of the security and rules. I did not like the clinical experience. I deal with sketchy situations at work on the ambulance with psych patients and I didn’t necessarily like being around psych patients even in a controlled setting. Nurses were extremely nice and helpful. It was difficult learning about the children and their past experiences.) Has this made you want to work in mental health? (No.) Made you not want to work in mental health? (I have never had an interest in mental health. Even though I thought the class was very intriguing, I didn’t gain an interest to work in mental health. I wouldn’t say it turned me away from mental health. My mindset/opinions never changed.) Did you have a patient that made this experience “unforgettable” for you? (Me and my friend Marissa only went to adult units. I did not have any patients that really stuck out to me. Most of the patients there were experiencing the same thing.) If so, how? Give me details. Paint me a picture of you own personal experience. Each of you had a unique experience because it was you that had the experience. I want to know what you thought about your experience. (My experience really was just an eye opening to how broad mental health was. So many diagnosis, so many people affected. Feel free to add whatever you want here) Just please base this paper off of the first paper that was wrote (it is in the attachments). THANK YOU SO MUCH
Question a few essay questions in my pharmacy school admission form which I
a few essay questions in my pharmacy school admission form which I need to revise, questions are about: apply for a scholarship, Identify one social problem, whom you admire greatly, Describe one extra-curricular activity, Describe an adversity you have faced, Have you had any academic difficulties and …
Approaches for ensuring quality digital customer experience for loyal/engaged customers within ONE key customer segment.
This assignment consists of 8 tasks and requires web analytics research, dashboard creation and Gantt chart. It requires the usage of specific frameworks mentioned in the Plan and additional frameworks and case studies available in different sources. The organization has been chosen as well as the customer segment and the brand. The writer needs to conduct a research on line and analyze loyal customer journey based on facts and following Assignment Brief and Tutor commentary in the Plan. The writer needs to use the Plan as the base for the draft and final paper.The assignment requires Harvard referencing, at least 3 pages of Bibliography and adherence to the format specified in the Assignment Brief including word count. Each task shouldn’t exceed the word count specified.
Edu 573 week 5 discussion 2
Lesson Outline Using the templates in Chapter 6, outline your lesson. Respond to at least one of your classmates’ entries. Do you think they did a thorough job?
appendix 1. FITT. Global Value Chain (7th ed.) 2. Kellogg’s: https://www.kelloggcompany.com/en_US/home.html 3.
appendix 1. FITT. Global Value Chain (7th ed.) 2. Kellogg’s: https://www.kelloggcompany.com/en_US/home.html 3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration: https://www.fda.gov/ 4. FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Mbandaka Infections Linked to Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Cereal: https://www.fda.gov/Food/RecallsOutbreaksEmergencies/Outbreaks/ucm610827.htm (and embedded links) 5. Kellogg Company Voluntarily Recalls Honey Smacks Cereal Due to Possible Health Risk: https://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm610815.htm 6. Resident Salmonella in food plant sparks warning regarding cereal production: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2018/08/resident -salmonella- in-food- plant -sparks- warning- regarding- cereal -production/ 7. Recalled Honey Smacks still for sale; Salmonella outbreak continues to grow: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2018/09/recalled- honey -smacks- still- for -sale – salmonella- outbreak -continues -to-grow/ 8. Honey Smacks producer named- says Salmonella outbreak was wake- up call: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2018/09/honey -smacks- produc er-named- says- salmonella- outbreak -was -wake -up -call/ 9. Warning Letters – Kerry Inc 7/26/18: https://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/ucm615073.htm 10. Ens uring Food Quality and Safety”: http://crreport.kelloggcompany.com/ensuring- food- quality 11. Kellogg Company Standard Terms and Conditions: https://www.kelloggcompany.com/en_US/supplier -relations/transparency -in -supply -chain1.html 12. Kellogg’s new supply chain model comes at a high cost https://www.supplychaindive.com/news/kelloggs -job- cuts -layoffs -supply -chain- distribution/445554/ 13. Living Our Values. Kellogg Company’s Global Code of Ethics: https://www.kelloggcompany.com/content/dam/kellogg- company/files/KGlobalCodeofEthics.pdf 14. FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Mbandaka Inf ections Linked to Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Cereal: https://www.fda.gov/Food/RecallsOutbreaksEmergencies/Outbreaks/ucm610827.htm
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) help to inform decisions by providing information
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) help to inform decisions by providing information at the point of care. CDSSs can be tremendously helpful tools in many different situations and circumstances, and often their use helps to improve patient outcomes. In addition, CDSSs can help to improve efficiency, effectiveness of care, quality, and safety. In this Assignment, you will analyze a scenario and describe the benefits and challenges of using a CDSS within the scenario. Scenario You are a physician in a busy clinic. You are seeing greater than 40 patients per day. Your clinic is involved in submitting quality measures to the state called “Community Measures”. The electronic medical record alerts you to health screenings needed for this patient. You remind this patient of the needed screenings and with the click of the button document that reminder. This information is available to staff to schedule his screenings. The data is also retrieved for sending summary data to the state. Submit a convincing argument in 400 –500 words that explains the benefits and the challenges of using a CDSS in the clinical situation you choose. Use your readings to support your rationale.
Discussion post due today; Do you agree or disagree that Nonprobability (or purposive) sampling represents the best strategy for selecting research participants? Write a restatement of your position on sampling strategies. Defend with examples and support
Discussion post due today; Do you agree or disagree that Nonprobability (or purposive) sampling represents the best strategy for selecting research participants? Write a restatement of your position on sampling strategies. Defend your position with examples and support from the scholarly literature. Next, choose a data collection method and briefly explain its strengths and limitations. ���h�
Please review the guides on analyzing a case study and the information
Please review the guides on analyzing a case study and the information given in class in Week 1. The rubric for grading the case study is attached. Make sure you are using APA 6th edition in-text citations, references, and formatting for your case study. You do not need an Abstract. Rubric Case Study Possible Points Earned Points Format 10 – 3-4 pages in length – Page Numbers – Reference Section – In-text citation – Section Headings – References- 2 (other than case
1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences
1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes. 2. Please post the hyperlink to one state statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes. 3. Please post the hyperlink to one federal case which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that case accomplishes. 4. Please post the hyperlink to one state case which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that case accomplishes. THIS IS DUE BY 5PM SUNDAY OF OUR RESIDENCY. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS GRANTED
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