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3-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Project Proposal Jason Wedge Southern New Hampshire University IT-415-X6239 Advanced Info Systems Design…

5-2 Final Project Milestone Two – Draft of Project Plan and System Design Document

Jason Wedge

Southern New Hampshire University

IT-415-X6239 Advanced Info Systems Design 17EW6

A common IT problem that people are faced with is setting up and securing a home network. Most people are able to setup a router and connect a laptop but many do not understand the necessary steps it takes to secure their network. Without taking the proper steps, home networks can be vulnerable to malicious attacks. Some people think that protecting their computer with an antivirus software is enough to protect them, but without securing the network, hackers could access your home network through a smart TV and can infect a device on the same network or gain access to files on your computer. If you would not allow a stranger into your home, you should not allow one on your network.

The purpose of this project is to provide basic instructions for anyone who would like to have a home network and what steps they will need to take to be certain that their home network is secure. One part of this will be to explain what can happen if they leave their network open to intrusion. Many people are unaware that this would allow a hacker to have access to the websites they visit, copy their username and passwords and access their emails. A criminal would be able to send spam or perform illegal activities using their internet connection. Someone could be sitting outside their home and access their internet connection and engage in illegal activities. An estimated 27 million Americans have been victim to identity theft since 2012. 9 million of them had their identities stolen in the last year alone and almost 73% of Americans have fallen victim to some form of cyber-crime. (2)

There is very little risk involved in securing a network and once the necessary software and hardware are purchased, the only cost in doing this for the most part is the time it takes. There are varieties of free firewall and antivirus software available that will help keep the cost at a minimum, which is helpful to most people. They do have the option of purchasing an antivirus product or firewall, which offers more options than standard free versions.

Choosing the proper method of securing the network is a key factor many overlook. I would recommend they choose the WPA2 method. It is more secure that WEP as it has a stronger wireless data encryption.

This project, including purchasing the necessary hardware and software, setup and configuration and testing should take no more than a few hours. The client has set Saturday, September 9, 2017 as the date they would like the project to be completed.

It will be necessary for the client to be involved in the purchase of the deliverables needed to complete the project. I suggested they be a part of the implementation part of the project so that I can educate them on what I am doing and why it is necessary to perform the steps that I have taken.

            The benefits of securing a network far outweigh the risks. Implementing security measures and installing the necessary software would take the average person 1-2 hours to configure and test.

I recently met with the client to address his needs for the new network. After discussing the options available to them, they have decided to purchase a new modem, wireless router and wireless all-in-one printer. They were content using free software for the firewall and antivirus, but after explaining the options that were available, they agreed that purchasing software that includes customer support would be the best option.

I have created this System Design Document to outline the proposed plan to upgrade and secure a customer’s home network. The current network does not support wireless devices and lacks the necessary security. Doing this will help to improve the current capabilities as well as provide the necessary security to protect their devices and personal information. This document and the technical specifications listed will fulfillthe customer’s needs.


The reason for creating the System Design Document is to provide a description to the customer of what will be required and the steps that will be taken to upgrade his current configuration and to provide the necessary security steps to help prevent unwanted intrusion on their network. The System Design Document provides a description of the system architecture, software, hardware and security.

System Overview

This section will describe the basic system design goals, functionality and architecture. It will also detail the necessary purchases needed to complete this.

Daniel Stanton has faced several challenges in connecting devices to his current home network. The proposed network configuration will utilize existing internet connection with a new wireless modem as well as providing the appropriate security measures to protect his devices and personal information.

The biggest constraint in this is the money it will take to complete this project. The client has set a firm limit of $700 to purchase any new equipment. The estimated cost given to the client was just under $400. This includes the purchase of a new cable modem, wireless router, firewall and a new wireless printer.

Roles and Responsibilities

It is necessary to define the roles and responsibilities of a project. It is necessary to provide the team with clarification on who performs various roles. This section also serves as a list of points of contact for the team, stakeholders should issues, and concerns arise, which need to be addressed.

The following table defines the user’s roles and responsibilities. This will also serve as the list of points of contact for issues and concerns relating to the design of the network

Name Role Phone Email
Jason Wedge Project Manager 603-401-8269
Daniel Stanton Administrator 603-555-1104 danstanton@gmail
Mary Stanton End user 603-555-2706

System Architecture


The MMS design is based on existing hardware architecture already deployed across the Acme Corp. enterprise. This hardware consists of the following components:

The network design that was approved by the client includes the following

  • Motorola – DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem – GrayCisco CSS 11500 Content Services Switch series
  • NETGEAR – Nighthawk X4S Wireless-AC Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router – BlackDell P3000 Workstations
  • Epson – Expression Home XP-440 Wireless All-In-One Printer


  • Comodo CIS Pro Firewall
  • Norton Security Plus Antivirus with protection for up to 5 devices
  • Malwarebytes Malware detection and removal


  1. 4 Scary Hacking Statistics You Probably Didn’t Know About. (n.d.). Retrieved July 10, 2017, from
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