# 4:Lack of employee training and relocating staF:Employees are being transferred to other department without any propertraining prior the relocation.
Hello, I need help writing an assignment. It a issue and recommendation. I have attach
the issue and recommendation . ALL YOU HAVE MODIFY IT AND WRITE IT IN YOUR SENTENCES. Same idea and meaning but your sentences. You do have to research or add any thing, Every from my attach paper , I need it within four hours. Thank you ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentIssue # 4:Lack of employee training and relocating staF:Employees are being transferred to other department without any propertraining prior the relocation. Without proper training, employees won’t beable to have a full grasp of their new position, the responsibilities, duties, theskills needed, etc. Employees won’t feel con±dent operate their duties.Productivity will be slowed down. Also,since CanGo is growing at a high speed, theyare relocating the current workers to cover the new jobs that are supposed to be done.Recommendation # 4:Specific training is needed to better assist the employees of CanGo at all levels. This training willfocus on organizational skills for all members of the staff.CanGo also needs to set up specifictraining for new hires or personnel that are struggling to reintroduce certain concepts or ideas.There should also be a training that is held annual in order to reintroduce certain concepts andareas that need attention. Also,CanGo is making a mistake by relocaTng staf to work on otherthings or other departments. First, some o± them are not trained to do the new job that theyare asking them to do. ²hey must create a plan and distribute the work ±airly according to whateach employee is capable o± doing. It is important to keep employees in their current posiTonsi± it is an important part o± the business, ±or example in the video they thought about relocaTngan employee but then Warren did not agree because i± the system were to crash, she wouldhave to be there to ³x it. ²hat is what is important, planning ahead and looking at the pros and

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