A 35 y/o male is seen by his physician complaining of shortness of breath, dizziness, intermittent palpitations and chest pain. The Px has a history of paroxysmal atrial dysrhythmia and has been taking 400 mg/3x/day quinidine over the past year. He has not had an episode since going on the medication. The patient lives alone and is the CEO of a local software company. He states that he recently suffered a serious bout of the flu where he experienced diarrhea and vomiting for five days. However, he has been feeling better, started taking his medication again and returned to work the previous day. The physical tests shows that he is alert, but is experiencing dizziness. His respiration is 28 breaths/min but lung sounds are clear in all lobes. He has normal bowel sounds, yet is complaining of nausea. His pulse is 150 and irregular with a BP of 102/56. His nailbeds are pink and his O2 stats are 96.
A 35 y/o male is seen by his physician complaining of shortness of breath, dizziness, intermittent palpitations and chest pain. The Px has a history of paroxysmal atrial dysrhythmia and has been taking 400 mg/3x/day quinidine over the past year. He has not had an episode since going on the medication. The patient lives alone and is the CEO of a local software company. He states that he recently suffered a serious bout of the flu where he experienced diarrhea and vomiting for five days. However, he has been feeling better, started taking his medication again and returned to work the previous day. The physical tests shows that he is alert, but is experiencing dizziness. His respiration is 28 breaths/min but lung sounds are clear in all lobes. He has normal bowel sounds, yet is complaining of nausea. His pulse is 150 and irregular with a BP of 102/56. His nailbeds are pink and his O2 stats are 96.
His blood work shows:
Na+= 135 mEq/L
K+= 2.9 mEq/L
Cl-= 96 mEq/L
BUN = 29 mg/dL
Creatinine = 1.3 mg/dL
Glucose= 100 mg/dL (fasting)
His ECG shows….
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Question: A 35 y/o male is seen by his physician complaining of shortness of breath, dizziness, intermitten…
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A 35 y/o male is seen by his physician complaining of shortness of breath, dizziness, intermittent
palpitations and chest pain. The Px has a history of paroxysmal atrial dysrhythmia and has been taking
400 mg/3x/day quinidine over the past year. He has not had an episode since going on the medication.
The Px lives alone and is the CEO of a local software company. He states that he recently suffered a
serious bout of the flu where he experienced diarrhea and vomiting for five days. However, he has been
feeling better, started taking his medication again and returned to work the previous day. The physical
tests shows that he is alert, but is experiencing dizziness. His respiration is 28 breaths/min but lung
sounds are clear in all lobes. He has normal bowel sounds, yet is complaining of nausea. His pulse is 150
and irregular with a BP of 102/56. His nailbeds are pink and his O2 stats are 96.
His blood work shows:
Na+= 135 mEq/L
K+= 2.9 mEq/L
Cl-= 96 mEq/L
BUN = 29 mg/dL
Creatinine = 1.3 mg/dL
Glucose= 100 mg/dL (fasting)
a) From the data shown above, what do you think is causing his most recent arrhythmia? Defend your answer.
b) How would the conductance of the action potential during systole be affected?
c) Why is the patient on quinidine for paroxysmal atrial dysrhythmia (discuss mechanisms) and does this drug have any effects on the current arrhythmia?
d) How would you treat this patient?
The post A 35 y/o male is seen by his physician complaining of shortness of breath, dizziness, intermittent palpitations and chest pain. The Px has a history of paroxysmal atrial dysrhythmia and has been taking 400 mg/3x/day quinidine over the past year. He has not had an episode since going on the medication. The patient lives alone and is the CEO of a local software company. He states that he recently suffered a serious bout of the flu where he experienced diarrhea and vomiting for five days. However, he has been feeling better, started taking his medication again and returned to work the previous day. The physical tests shows that he is alert, but is experiencing dizziness. His respiration is 28 breaths/min but lung sounds are clear in all lobes. He has normal bowel sounds, yet is complaining of nausea. His pulse is 150 and irregular with a BP of 102/56. His nailbeds are pink and his O2 stats are 96. appeared first on Academicheroes.com.