A 40 year old male developed a progressive cough, chest pain and dysphagia over the period of one month. A chest radiography demonstrated a mass in the superior mediastinum, most likely a tumor of the thymus gland (thymoma)
A 40 year old male developed a progressive cough, chest pain and dysphagia over the period of one month. A chest radiography demonstrated a mass in the superior mediastinum, most likely a tumor of the thymus gland (thymoma).
1. What is the function of they thymus gland?
2. Where is the thymus gland located within the thoracic cavity?
3. Given the patients symptoms explain what are some differential diagnosis that could be related to the patients symptoms
The post A 40 year old male developed a progressive cough, chest pain and dysphagia over the period of one month. A chest radiography demonstrated a mass in the superior mediastinum, most likely a tumor of the thymus gland (thymoma) appeared first on Academicheroes.com.