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A 44 year old male is brought to you by emergency personnel. It seems he has been living in a small cabin on the lake, where he has spent the last month fishing. He has been eating fish and canned goods. He complains of numbness, and inability to move his lower extremities, which upon examination are very flaccid and very soft.

A 44 year old male is brought to you by emergency personnel. It seems he has been living in a small cabin on the lake, where he has spent the last month fishing. He has been eating fish and canned goods. He complains of numbness, and inability to move his lower extremities, which upon examination are very flaccid and very soft.
A. you suspect he suffers from
1.C. perfringes
2. C. botulinum
3. C. tetani
4. C. diphtheriae
5. C. difficile
B. The same illness can affect babies up until the age of one. For this reason, baby should not be given
1. cow’s milk
2. dairy products
3. canned Foods
4. peanuts
5. honey
C. this bacteria has a toxin found in Sea Foods, common in the Pacific Northwest as well as in Lake and Marine sediments. This would be toxin
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
D. the toxin from this bacterium most commonly
1. on the intestinal mucosa
2. on the heart
3. on the Airways
4. at the neuromuscular junction
5. none of the above


The post A 44 year old male is brought to you by emergency personnel. It seems he has been living in a small cabin on the lake, where he has spent the last month fishing. He has been eating fish and canned goods. He complains of numbness, and inability to move his lower extremities, which upon examination are very flaccid and very soft. appeared first on

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