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A 49 year old male school teacher is a 2 pack/day smoker and has a diet of fried foods everyday and does not exercise and also has a history of hypertension, high cholesterol (LDL), diabetes mellitus and obesity, and a family history of coronary artery disease. He was awakened from his sleep at 3:00am with crushing chest pain which radiated to his left arm and was accompanied by shortness of breath and he complained to his wife he was nauseated. When paramedics arrived, they found the patient cool, clammy, tachycardia and hypotensive.

A 49 year old male school teacher is a 2 pack/day smoker and has a diet of fried foods everyday and does not exercise and also has a history of hypertension, high cholesterol (LDL), diabetes mellitus and obesity, and a family history of coronary artery disease. He was awakened from his sleep at 3:00am with crushing chest pain which radiated to his left arm and was accompanied by shortness of breath and he complained to his wife he was nauseated. When paramedics arrived, they found the patient cool, clammy, tachycardia and hypotensive.

On the arrival in the emergency department at the hospital, the patient was in considerable distress. His blood work showed increased levels of troponin and creatine kinase and electrocardiogram (EKG) showed ST-segment elevation, further test were done that showed a blockage in his right coronary artery. The patient was treated with nitroglycerin, morphine, beta blocker and aspirin.
what is the patient diagnosis?
Using your answer in number 21, what signs and symptoms helped you to diagnosis this patient? Explain
How has his life style contributed to his condition? Give a rationale for each.

The post A 49 year old male school teacher is a 2 pack/day smoker and has a diet of fried foods everyday and does not exercise and also has a history of hypertension, high cholesterol (LDL), diabetes mellitus and obesity, and a family history of coronary artery disease. He was awakened from his sleep at 3:00am with crushing chest pain which radiated to his left arm and was accompanied by shortness of breath and he complained to his wife he was nauseated. When paramedics arrived, they found the patient cool, clammy, tachycardia and hypotensive. appeared first on

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