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. Analyze the development of T2D in the U.S. and compare its development to developing countries in general.

Add this in the paper from Chapter 15, “Epidemiology for Public Health Practice”
“There are many challenges of working with health data in developing countries, defined as countries in the process of establishing an economic and medical infrastructure to support health. The social and environmental conditions in these types of countries may make simple tasks, such as recording births and deaths, become huge tasks. The incidence and prevalence of diseases seen in developing countries often differ from those found in developed countries because of variations in screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Even if the incidence of a disease is the same in developing countries because of issues related to access to medical care and treatment.” ( Chapter 15,”The Practice of Epidemiology in Developing Countries”, Introduction to Epidemiology distribution and Determinants of Disease in Humans, Caroline A. Mac era, Richard A. Shaffer, Peggy M. Shaffer, Series Editor: Carleen H. Stoskopf, Pager
1. Analyze the development of TED in the U.S. and compare its development to developing countries in general.
2. Using TED statistics, compare the rates in the U.S. to the rates in your home state.
3. In addressing community concerns, analyze the cost of treating TED in your community. Suggest five (5) prudent steps to address the psycho social proliferation of the disease. Provide support for your suggestion.
4. propose at least six (6) steps to address TED in your current or previous workplace environment, and recommend the one (1) you believe to be the most important. Provide support for your recommendation.
5.Use at least 7 (7) peer- reviewed academic resources in this assignment. These must come from journal sources.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
1. Examine epidemiology, financial management, and cost effectiveness analysis
2. Use technology and information resources to research issues in managerial epidemiology.
3. Write Clearly and concisely about managerial epidemiology using proper writing mechanics.

Grading Points 240
1. Analyze the development to developing countries in general. (20) points
2.Using TED statistics, compare the rates in the U. S. to the rates in your home state. (20) points
3. In addressing community concerns, analyze the cost of treating TED in your community. Suggest five (5) prudent steps to address the psycho social proliferation of the disease. Provide support for your suggestion. (25) points
4. Propose at least six (6) steps to address TED in your current or previous workplace environment, and recommend the one (1) you believe to be the most important. Provide support for your recommendation. (25) points
5. references (7)
6. Clarity, writing , mechanics, and formatting requirement (10) points


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