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Annotated Bibliography Assignment


Each student must identify a social problem relevant to social work practice, such as child abuse, drug abuse, dementia, PTSD, depression, teen pregnancy, etc. How to solve the problem? You may find a lot of evidence. In assignment 1, each student will then develop a comprehensive annotated bibliography on the chosen topic—to solve the problem. The annotated bibliography should consider the quality of the evidence (paper) for the selected intervention. The paper can be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method.

Please write a paper integrate the answers to those questions.

  1. How many articles have you found to support this selected intervention? What databases have you searched? What type of searching strategies did you use? (The professional peer-reviewed journals should either be from social work or closely related disciplines. The remainder of the resources can be drawn from professional peer-reviewed journals, books, and reliable internet sources.) (2 points)
  2. Select 1 article that you think represent the articles or sources with the “best available evidence” that you could find that are relevant to the selected problem and intervention. Read the paper you found to represent the best available evidence and analyze them following those steps.
  3. Purpose or goal of the study (2 points)
  4. Research questions or hypotheses (2 points)
  5. Evaluate the research methods of the article: Measurement (description of key variables and measurement/operationalization), and identifying the variables. Variables- measures including reliability and validity of scales used (If they are mentioned in the article).  (3 points)
    1. Is it qualitative or quantitative? (1 point)
    2. Research Design Summarize key research methods used in each research. (e.g; experimental, quasi-experimental, survey, interview, self-report, etc.)  (1 point)
    3. sampling, (e.g., same size, recruitment methods, any issues related to human subjects research?) and how closely the sample reflects your clients (1 point)
  6. Data Collection Procedures.  (3 points)
  7. Results- notable findings that support an intervention.  (2 points)
  8. What is the limitations and strength of the evidence? How does the research design and limitations of the study affect the findings? (2 points)

The article should be cited in APA format and followed by one paragraph that briefly describes the contents of the sources (1 point)

This assignment should be double spaced, no less than three pages. Please use Times New Roman, 12-point. APA style is REQUIRED for assignment 1. 

 I attached the writing sample: the paper (I highlight the related details from page 7) and analysis for that paper. Don’t use the same paper as what I used in the writing sample. 

Don’t find a paper that is meta-analysis or systematic review

Please find a research paper that is an evaluation of the intervention. Don’t find a paper that examines the relations among different factors, such as the relationship between parenting style and children’s mental health. 

You are going to analyze one paper, NOT three!!!!!!

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Annotated Bibliography Assignment:

Annotated Bibliography Assignment:This week (Part II) you are to create a

complete Annotated Bibliography for 3 academic scholarly sources, which include your introduction and thesis, publication details, and the annotation (see below for examples of each component).  In week 4, you will complete this process for 3 additional sources.  A total of 5 academic-scholarly sources are required for completion of your final research project.

Scholarship means that

  • the author has a Ph.D. or other terminal degree,
  • the work appears in a multi-volumed, peer-reviewed journal,
  • and has ample references at the end.

Good annotations

 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentRunning head: ANNOTATED BIBILIOGRAPHY1Annotated Bibliography: Industrial Revolution and the rise of CapitalismAkaria BabbsDevry UniversityAnnotated Bibliography: Industrial Revolution and the rise of CapitalismGrassby, R. (1999).The idea of capitalism before the industrial revolution. Lanham, MD:Rowman & Littlefield.Richard Grassby, a former professor at Oxford University is the author of this book thattries to investigate the true origins and evolution of the idea of capitalism. The book isprimarily focused on providing readers with insights into the true nature, merits, andfuture of capitalism. Grassby notes that the idea of capitalism was first invented in the19thcentury European post-industrial era. Originally, the term capitalism was used todescribe and explain the distinctive features of an emerging world. Over the course oftime, capitalism has served to identity an economic system, a particular social structure,and a set of cultural values and mental attitudes, which implies that it has manydefinitions. The author suggests that the term capitalism is now almost meaningless.

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View the AnswerANNOTATED BIBILIOGRAPHY2Depending upon the interpreter, capitalism is synonymous with the market economy,credit creation, economic concentration, social polarization, class formation, and divisionof labor among others. Grassby examines the many conflicting definitions and testsalternative models of capitalism against the historical record to establish when, where,how, and why modern economies and societies emerged. Even though Grassby presentsan argument that capitalism is a concept with diminished explanatory power, he showsthe influence of this powerful idea on the formation of the world we live in. The book isideal for studying world and economic histories.Kocka, J. (2016).Capitalism: A short history. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.In this book, Kocka, one of the world’s most renowned historians provides a concise andcomprehensive history of capitalism within a global perspective. He details itsdevelopment in the mediaeval era to the 2008 financial crisis and beyond. He describeshow capitalism influenced commercial trade in the Arab world, China, and Europe in theearly years and later the nineteenth and twentieth-century industrialization. He alsodetails how capitalism has resulted in today’s globalized financial capitalism. Throughoutthe book, Kocka provides an unmatched account of capitalism, one that weighs its greatachievements against its costs, crises, and failures. The book is comprehensive andappropriate for consideration in research studies as it puts the rise of capitalist economiesin social, political, and cultural contexts, and shows how their current problems andforeseeable future are connected to a long history. It is an enlightening account

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