Answer the questions below. Base your answers on the information provided in the topic scenario
Answer the questions below. Base your answers on the information provided in the topic scenario and on what you
learned from your preliminary research. Include in-text citations to show when information is coming from a source.
The information you generate here can later be used in the introduction and current situation sections in your proposal. When you write your proposal, you will have completed additional research and will be able to build on this information to demonstrate that a problem exists and needs to be solved. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentENGL206 Topics for ProposalYou may choose any of the Fve topics below for your proposal. If you have another topic in mind, youmustFrst get instructor approval before using it.1.Improving Customer ServiceYou manage a team of Feld service technicians. At a recent department meeTng, your supervisorexplained that your company, ABC ±echnologies, in response to customer concerns and increasingcompeTTon, is looking for ways to make ABC ±echnologies the recognized leader in pu²ng the customerFrst. Before ABC brings in a consultant to help solve this problem, it wants to solicit ideas from itsemployees on how to improve customer service. What can ABC do? Would training, either face-to-faceor online, be cost e³ecTve? Are there small steps that ABC can take to create a culture of customerservice? Should it get feedback from customers? Should it focus on the employees to make sure they arehappy and engaged? Write a proposal to your supervisor outlining a plan for ABC to improve itscustomer service. Your proposal should provide a clear roadmap for acTon, be it one major change or aseries of steps.Suggested Source:Apte, A., Apte, U., & Venugopal, N. (2007). ´ocusing on customer Tme in Feld service: A normaTveapproach.Producton & Operatons ManagemenT,16(2), 189–202. Retrieved from BusinessSource Complete database. (Accession No. 25426498)2. Seeking SoFware Solu±onsYou are a Systems Analyst for ABC ±echnologies. ±he company has recently expanded and many of theold soµware programs in place are no longer e³ecTvely handling rouTne tasks. Employees have reportedissues with accounTng soµware, collaboraTon soµware, e-mail, and so on. Your team is struggling tokeep up with the need for conTnual Fxes and employee dissaTsfacTon. ´urther, data storage has becomea real problem. As a group, you all decide that something has to be done. Some team members thinkcloud compuTng is the answer; others think a soµware upgrade will address the problem. You agree toresearch the problem and then write a proposal to your supervisor detailing your soluTon(s).Yourproposal should provide a clear roadmap for acTon, be it one major change or a series of steps.Suggested Source:Barb, M., Cashin, J., & Phillips, B. (2014, December). Ge²ng into the cloud.Accountng ±oday,28(12),31–38. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. (Accession No. 99911721)3. Replacing Outdated Computers