Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint (PPT) The purpose of this power point (PPT) is to improve your knowledge of practice by applying a middle-range (mid-range) nursing theory to a practice issue or problem
Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint (PPT)
The purpose of this power point (PPT) is to improve your knowledge of practice by applying a middle-range (mid-range) nursing theory to a practice issue or problem. For this assignment you need to think about an issue or problem within you own practice area. Now choose a middle-range nursing theory that can be applied to your issue/problem to improve it. You will need to create an 8 to 10 slide narrated PPT explaining your findings. This presentation should be done in Microsoft Powerpoint and should include a voice-over narration. The narrated powerpoint should be no more than 10 minutes in length. Google “narrated powerpoint” for instructions on how to create a narrated powerpoint.
Your presentation needs to include the following:
Clearly describe the problem or issue.
Provide a rationale for the significance of this issue or problem. The rationale must be supported by the current literature.
Choose a middle-range nursing theory that can influence or change your issue or problem.
Describe why you chose this middle-range nursing theory.
Discuss the appropriateness of theory chosen.
Present key points and/or concepts of middle-range nursing theory.
Explain how this middle-range nursing theory influences your issue/problem.
Please answer all 7 questions with refences. Forget about the PowerPoint, just answer the questions,
The post Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint (PPT) The purpose of this power point (PPT) is to improve your knowledge of practice by applying a middle-range (mid-range) nursing theory to a practice issue or problem appeared first on Ink Essays.
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