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Applying Critical Thinking For IAS Situation

Hot Security Products, Inc. is a global company that is a reseller of firewalls, intrusion detectors, and other network security devices sold to major technology retail stores worldwide. The company has offices in China, India, England, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States and resells products from 300 different vendors worldwide. The company headquarters are located in the United States. Some infrastructure functions, specifically the data center and network operations, are outsourced. Enterprise application development and maintenance are handled by an offshore vendor partnership with the U.S.-based internal technology group. The U.S.-based internal information security group is responsible for creating policy and managing security for business-specific applications development, enterprise technology planning, and technology architecture.

The Chief Security Officer (CSO) has asked your internal security team to prepare a presentation to the business leaders on a security plan that will be implemented to support a new procedure that enables suppliers to access and update inventory information in the organization’s PeopleSoft enterprise resource planning system. The proposal meets objectives of reducing out-of-stock situations and of cost shifting the work of maintaining inventory onto the vendor rather than Hot Security Products staff.

Apply the SWOC critical thinking tool found in your Course Resources file and the critical thinking approach you have selected to create this presentation for the business leader audience to convey how this new idea can benefit the business stakeholder without compromising the internal security of the organization.

The CSO and business leaders will be on a fictitious Web conference call for your presentation, so you will need to prepare a PowerPoint file. The presentation is to be no more than five slides that introduce the security approach to support the idea, promote the different aspects of how this approach supports the idea through SWOC, and generate action to take this from a proposal to an infrastructure that supports the idea.


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