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Applying Strategic Planning

Based on the reading assignments over the past five weeks, the Discussion Board conversations, and your
experience in developing your own strategic plan, submit one original post (at least 250 words) to the
Discussion Board placing the process and practice of strategic planning within the framework of your particular
area of Public Safety in terms of relevance, suggested priority, and/or place in your culture.
The part of the process for my strategic plan can be found in the photographs that were uploaded.
A portion of my plan will be uploaded.
This is the relevance for my plan, please summarize and expand:
Police officers and those in the public safety sector put their lives on the line everyday to ensure the safety of the public. Strategic plans are designs by law enforcement to deal with societies issues, all while ignoring those
exposed to policing. They are exposed to mental and physical stress. My plan is designed to prevent create a healthier career for law enforcement and those around them.

Sample Solution

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