Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret
Select a Judy Blume novel that has been widely banned/censored/restricted.
In your analysis, please include the following:
- A brief summary of the novel
- Analysis of three key passages that you suspect could have driven the decision to censor the book. Please use direct quotations here to set the stage for your argument.
- Discuss how each of these passages “fits into” the greater context of the book. As you know, many YA books are banned when, through skimming, “inappropriate” language/content is discovered. How would the story/overall novel arc be LESS successful without this content? Or is the content superfluous to the overall story and could easily be removed? Try to decide WHY Judy Blume would have included these controversial moments.
- Within the above analysis, address depictions of race, class, and gender. Think about what we have already discussed regarding representation: who is visible/invisible in the text? What stereotypes are at work? Does the narrator/main character(s) “fight back” at stereotypes in any way?
- Give your own opinion of the book! Would you recommend it to your students/children? What age range? Who SHOULD read this book? Who SHOULD NEVER read this book?
- Include any questions you would ask Judy Blume if you could meet her for coffee and conversation!
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