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Assignment (1) For this Discussion Board assignment, you will compose the following: 400 words Topic improving fall risk in nursing home organization Introduction to the chapter: This tells the reader what the chapter (literature review)

Assignment (1) For this Discussion Board assignment, you will compose the following: 400 words Topic improving fall risk in nursing home organization
Introduction to the chapter: This tells the reader what the chapter (literature review) is about and how it is organized. Remember, the introduction of a chapter does not have a heading according to the APA manual of style, 6th edition.
Introduction for each section in the literature review: This tells the reader what the section is about and how it is organized.
Summary of the chapter: This tells the reader what the chapter discussed. It tells the reader what is coming in the next chapter (e.g., Chapter 3: The methods chapter).
Assignment(2) 400 words use subheadings
Discuss the importance of the transaction and code set standards in health care. Transaction code sets are used to bill patients for services and organizations. You should discuss the different types of code such as ICD-9, CPT codes, HPPCS, etc. you should discuss how use of these codes impacts how much hospitals get paid for the services they provide to patients. How can improper use of these codes affect the hospitals income?
Assignment (3) 400 use subheadings
Provide an overview of the various medical departments of your local hospital by conducting research through the Internet or by a personal visit. – You need to discuss the different departments in the hospital some examples may include the emergency room, radiology, laboratory. You should talk about what these departments do. You need to support your answers with references of where you obtain this information as well

The post Assignment (1) For this Discussion Board assignment, you will compose the following: 400 words Topic improving fall risk in nursing home organization Introduction to the chapter: This tells the reader what the chapter (literature review) appeared first on Essaylink.

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