Assume that you have been asked for advice concerning communication by a friend who will soon be participating in a group problem-solving or decision-making discussion and who knows that you are taking Communication Arts and Sciences 100B.
Assume that you have been asked for advice concerning communication by a friend who will soon be participating in
a group problem-solving or decision-making discussion and who knows that you are taking Communication Arts and Sciences 100B. Although you are only into the third lesson, it is safe to assume that you know more than the person who is asking you for advice. On the other hand, since you have not as yet reached the point in the course involving problem solving and decision making as such, you tell the person, “I do not feel comfortable giving you specific advice about how to communicate in the type of discussion in which you will be participating, but I can give you some tips in the form of do’s and don’ts that apply to nonverbal communication in particular.” Your friend responds, “I will take any advice I can get. I am just petrified about being in this group, having to contribute, and running the risk of making a fool of myself.” Restricting yourself to the material covered in the assigned reading, develop five pieces of advice in the form of “do’s” and “don’ts” that you would be willing to offer. (Two or three of these pieces of advice should be in the form of what to do, and the other two or three should emphasize what to avoid doing.) Write a short dialogue that takes the following form:
You: Piece of Advice #1
Friend: “Why?”
You: Explanation
Friend: “OK, I understand.”
You: Piece of Advice #2
Friend: “Why?”
You: Explanation
Friend: “Great!”
Repeat the pattern (but use your imagination for the friend’s responses) for the remaining three pieces of advice. In developing your explanations, try to be complete enough so that the kinds of responses noted above seem probable. Also, include a brief preface. For instance, “Following is a brief dialogue in which I am giving advice to a friend who is concerned about a forthcoming group discussion.”
You should be able to complete this exercise in 500 words or so.
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