Entries by Hannah Wangui

True/ False: If each vertex of G has degree at most 2, then G is not connected. Need to write a proof for this.

True/ False: If each vertex of G has degree at most 2, then G is not connected. Need to write a proof for this.   Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Coupon Code “Newclient”


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Your roommate was having Skittles for lunch and they offer you some.

Your roommate was having Skittles for lunch and they offer you some. There are five different colors in a bag of Skittles: red, orange, yellow, green, and purple, and there are 20 of each color. You know your roommate is a huge fan of the green Skittles. With probability 1/2 they ate all of the […]


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Hint: this is a Chinese Remainder Theorem problem

A prime power is a number that can be written as p^i for some prime p and some positive integer i. So, 9 = 3^ 2 is a prime power, and so is 8 = 2^ 3 . 42 = 2 · 3 · 7 is not a prime power. Prove that for any positive […]


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