QuestionQuestion Investors have utility U=Expected income – 10* Variance of income. Stock in the TransUkraine Pipeline Company has return F + ε, ε~N(0,0 .16), where 0.16 is the variance in dollars squared. X shares of stock are outstanding. Investors can either invest in the TransUkraine Pipeline Company, or the riskless asset (money). There are 500 investors available. Each believes (rationally) that F=1. Compute the price of the TransUkraine Pipeline Company stock for X = 100.=Expected income – 10* Variance of income. Stock in the TransUkraine Pipeline Company has return F + ε, ε~N(0,0 .16), where 0.16 is the variance in dollars squared. X shares of stock are outstanding. Investors can either invest in the TransUkraine Pipeline Company, or the riskless asset (money). There are 500 investors available. Each believes (rationally) that F=1. Compute the price of the TransUkraine Pipeline Company stock for X = 100.
Question Investors have utility U=Expected income – 10* Variance of income. Stock in the TransUkraine Pipeline Company has return F + ε, ε~N(0,0 .16), where 0.16 is the variance in dollars squared. X shares of stock are outstanding. Investors can either invest in the TransUkraine Pipeline Company, or the riskless asset (money). There are 500 investors available. Each believes (rationally) […]