Entries by Hannah Wangui

Java application

Write a short Java application that stores words in an Array or ArrayList. You get to pick the number of words to store. Generate a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the length of the Array or ArrayList (exclusive). Use this random number as an index into the Array or ArrayList. Display the value stored […]


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Specifications for ShoutBox

Specifications for ShoutBox: The ShoutBox object will allow you to shout messages into your virtual world. Your ShoutBox will have two ways of generating messages: You can select from a list of canned messages to shout, or You can have the ShoutBox generate a random message for you. You must use data structures Array, ArrayList, […]


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Java application

Write a short Java application that uses the Scanner class to accept the first name and last name from the user. Your application will use the print() or println() method to display a message that greets the user. Example: “Hello Jane Coder!” Take a screenshot to verify that your message is displayed successfully. Cut and […]


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Java application

Write a short Java application that uses the Scanner class to accept a number between 1 and 10 from the user. If the number entered is between 1 and 10 (inclusive), the application will display a message “Good job! The number you entered is .” If the number entered was not between 1 and 10 […]


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