Entries by Hannah Wangui

[H+22++Rearranging in terms of pCO2pCO23+          = 10-5.603×3-1.47-6.33-5.61-10.33 ] =K1KHpCO/[H] x ([H] + 2K2)  gives:

[H+22++Rearranging in terms of pCO2pCO23+          = 10-5.603×3-1.47-6.33-5.61-10.33 ] =K1KHpCO/[H] x ([H] + 2K2) gives: = [H+]/(K1KH([H] + 2K2)) /(1010(10 +2×10) = 396 ppmv (parts per million by volume) Suppose we raised atmosperic CO2 to 732 ppmv, what would the resulting pH be? Solve for your answer. Did pH increase or decrease. NOTE: When answering you’ll get a […]


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Your sailboat is a newer model that has a maximum consistent speed of 10 knots.

1. Your sailboat is a newer model that has a maximum consistent speed of 10 knots. a.                   How fast is that in kilometers per hour (km/h)? b.                   How long will it take you, traveling at maximum speed the entire time, to sail from 
Camden to Bordeaux along the 45° line of latitude? c.                   If you leave at 8 am […]


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As an adventurous spirit, you decide to sail from your hometown of Camden, Maine (45°N, 69°W) to Bordeaux, France (45°N, 1°W). What is the distance in degrees between these two points if you travel along the 45°N line of latitude?

As an adventurous spirit, you decide to sail from your hometown of Camden, Maine (45°N, 69°W) to Bordeaux, France (45°N, 1°W). What is the distance in degrees between these two points if you travel along the 45°N line of latitude?   Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Coupon Code […]


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Can you describe the difference between a disturbing force and a restoring force with regards to waves?

Can you describe the difference between a disturbing force and a restoring force with regards to waves?   Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Coupon Code “Newclient”


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