[H+22++Rearranging in terms of pCO2pCO23+ = 10-5.603×3-1.47-6.33-5.61-10.33 ] =K1KHpCO/[H] x ([H] + 2K2) gives:
[H+22++Rearranging in terms of pCO2pCO23+ = 10-5.603×3-1.47-6.33-5.61-10.33 ] =K1KHpCO/[H] x ([H] + 2K2) gives: = [H+]/(K1KH([H] + 2K2)) /(1010(10 +2×10) = 396 ppmv (parts per million by volume) Suppose we raised atmosperic CO2 to 732 ppmv, what would the resulting pH be? Solve for your answer. Did pH increase or decrease. NOTE: When answering you’ll get a […]