Assignment: Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs Write a seven to eight (7-8) page paper in which you: Identify and discuss at least three (3) important variables that almost always should be considered by organizations when providing employee benefits programs. Be sure the response is specific and relevant. Compare and contrast income protection programs and pay for time not worked programs, both of which are usual elements of benefits programs. How are the programs similar? Are they mandatory? Research and discuss at least four to five (4-5) of what may be referred as “Other Benefits” that you could recommend to the management team as necessary elements for the benefits package. HINT: Flextime and product/service discounts are good examples. Develop an employee benefits package for any exempt or non-exempt position level of your choosing, making sure you support the selection of your program elements.
Must be APA format, plagiarism free, avoid using contractions, and incorporate the
Must be APA format, plagiarism free, avoid using contractions, and incorporate the christian view. The final paper is a change recommendation for the organization with which you currently are employed. Choose an issue in the organization for which you can make a positive impact. The paper is due Saturday (Day 7) of Week 8. It will be evaluated using the Weekly Writing Assignments and Final Paper rubric (Appendix A). Use the text reading “Managing Organization Change and Innovation” as the general guideline for preparing your analysis and approach. Your paper should include recommendations for improvement and suggestions for implementation of the recommendations. Guidelines for organization: Prepare the final paper using the following guidelines: 10 –15 pages (including the title page and reference page), typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, using APA standard. The title page should include the title of the paper, your name, course name and course number, and date of submission The body of the paper should include the following: Introduction of the issue and its history Diagnosis of the problem Discussion of appropriate methods for change Impediments and limiting conditions Evaluation of change Proposed outcome and benefit of the change Role of management in effecting the change Brief summary of the biblical implications The reference page should include a minimum of 10 references, including the text, The Holy Bible, books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), and other periodicals.
Question 1/2 page is ok. Thank you.Please reply to individual post as labeled.
1/2 page is ok. Thank you.Please reply to individual post as labeled. Replies should be short, substantial and add a different point of view or enhance the initial post. Please provide a reference for all post.
[Revision] Bio-energy-Supported Net Zero Energy Buildings
Bio-energy-Supported Net Zero Energy Buildings (residential and commercial buildings)- Econometric analysis using E Views software-forecasting models (tables and graphs) for bio-energy resources and waste generation in Glasgow -Energy consumption Determine the methodology for accurate heat generation and location of energy-Identify and evaluate the renewable energy potential of sites within the study area-Evaluate the correlation between supply and demand for energy within the study area- Generate GIS-based demand and a renewable energy map within the study area– Formulate recommendations for small-scale heat and power generation – your design must be where your targeted building sits and waste biomass comes from. You must collect data by yourself. Please use references last 3 years ago. Chapter include (tables and graphs) data collection and results and discussion and conclusion.The new writer should continue working in file 437935_work_here: 1. GIS-based map is supposed to be generated by the researcher using GIS mapping software, not taken from outside source as it is now. Moreover, GIS is mentioned in Methodology, but does not seem to be used in the paper. 2. GaBi-based model added and presented inputs and outputs do not correspond to each other; moreover, presented pictures do not look like they were done in GaBi – it should be done. In addition, all software that is to be used for analysis must be indicated in Methodology. 3. Heating and cooling loads were added, but there only two sentences which can be applicable to the description of the design. Explanation of design must be expanded. 4. Economic parameters cannot only comprise 70 words, currently, there is no explanation on how they were calculated, so most likely, they, calculations were never done, thus this section is inaccurate and should be redone.
Question A. Visual Analysis (300-350 words)1. Watch the video: Purdue OWL: Visual Rhetoric.
A. Visual Analysis (300-350 words)1. Watch the video: Purdue OWL: Visual Rhetoric. Copy and Paste into your browser if the Blackboard link does not work: Review Textbook Chapter 4 (Section 2-a) “Summary and Comparison of the Classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian Models” in the Week 7 Reading and Study folder.3. Review the visual (included in Blackboard):……..
Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page
Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following: You are caring for a patient with c-diff as part of your workload assignment. Discuss what c-diff is and how it is transmitted (how you can get it)? What actions will you take as a nurse to protect yourself and the other patients on the unit when taking care of your patient? You should include a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA format.
Question Write a Research Paper discussing an aspect of military mental health issues
Write a Research Paper discussing an aspect of military mental health issues (including spiritual factors) from the list below. Provide more than just a secular viewpoint or spiritual perspective. Balance the paper with both a biblical worldview and theoretical perspectives. Integrate them using journal articles or book chapters on the topics as sources. Cite everything. The references submitted for the Reference List in Module/Week 4 must be included in this assignment as well. Make sure that every issue is examined as related to military personnel.Topics• PTSD as a result of military service (non-combat causation)• Combat-related PTSD • Negative coping behaviors related to PTSD in the military (self-mutilation, eating disorders, sex addiction, gambling, suicide, extreme risk-taking behavior, alcohol abuse, abuse of illegal drugs, abuse of prescription and/or legal drugs). The addressed behavior must be linked to military personnel for a majority of the paper.• Military service-related depression• TBI from military service-related causation• Military family mental health issuesMilitary mental health issues caused by isolation and alienation (families that have a service member deployed; a service member unable to be or feel accepted in his/her unit; the effect of frequent relocation on military spouse and dependents, etc.)• Military sexual trauma• Women in the military (mental health issues excluding military sexual trauma)Guidelines • As expected in a 400-level class, APA style and grammar will be graded very strictly. Proofread carefully before submitting.• It is very important to cite any information taken from an outside source. Plagiarism is defined as passing off someone else’s work as your own and it is a serious academic offense. Papers are submitted through SafeAssign to check for the proper citing of sources. You may submit a draft version to check your score, then redo and submit. Plagiarizing your paper will result minimally in failure of the assignment and can also result in automatic failure of the course with academic discipline. Make sure that all work is your own or is cited appropriately.• Points will be taken off if the body of the Research Paper is below 10 pages or exceeds 12 pages (excluding the title page, abstract, and references).• Include at least 12 current references (within the last 10 years). Points will be deducted for each missing current reference. The Bible and the course texts may be cited, but will not count toward the 12 required references.• Follow the most current edition of APA style.• The Research Paper will be graded on thoroughness, content, and use of theoretical material and integration of biblical perspective.
scope creep in internal communication projects from a project finance point of view
A document supplied stating the order specification and requirement. Many thanks,FM
MBA5005 Individual Project Week 5 Deliverables This week, you will revise
MBA5005 Individual Project Week 5 Deliverables This week, you will revise the first part of the paper according to your instructor’s comments. You will add additional articles, laws, cases and summary as outlined below. You will then combine all information and submit the final paper using the instructions provided. Revisions Revise the paper submitted in Week 3 (attached). Literature Review For Week 5, locate two additional scholarly articles related to your topic. Summarize the articles in your own words and explain how they are related to your topic. Do not use published cases for this section. You must use scholarly articles from the South University Online Library. Legal journals may provide some of the best sources of information. Westlaw Campus Research is a good option for finding legal information in law journals. When you combine this section with Week 3, you will have a total of at least four articles. Laws and Regulations Research and analyze one additional law or regulation related to the topic you selected. The information may require research of federal and/or state laws, as well as administrative agency laws. Summarize the information about the law or regulation you found and explain how it applies to your topic. When you combine this section with Week 3, you will have a minimum of two laws or regulations. Depending on the topic, you may compare the laws of two states For example, if you are writing about gender discrimination, compare the federal law with law from one of the states that also provides protection at the state level. States often provide more protection than the federal law. Cases Research at least two additional published cases (lawsuits) related to the topic you selected. Summarize the cases in your own words and explain how they are related to your topic. Provide a summary that includes the name of the case, state or federal court, issue, summary of events and ruling. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the court’s decision. Combine the case from Week 3 with this section for a total of three cases. Summary/Conclusion As an ending to your paper, summarize what you have learned. Assess and communicate what you believe the future holds as it relates to your topic. If applicable, discuss how you might apply what your learned to your personal or professional life. Add the parts from Week 3 and submit your final paper in accordance with the formatting instructions provided. Formatting Instructions Submit a 10 to 14-page paper about the topic selected. The paper should consist of a cover page, short introduction, explanation of the legal issue, literature review, analysis of related laws or regulations, reviews of cases, summary of information learned and application to your professional life, and a separate reference page. Use APA format for the paper. Review the APA materials located in the Library Research Guide. Name your document SU_MBA5005_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc Submission Details: Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.
6-7 Pages. check the document carefully. I need in 8-10 hours. Also,
6-7 Pages. check the document carefully. I need in 8-10 hours. Also, I need Turnitin Report too
how does an organizations strategy influence the selection process
im struggling identifying the link between particular strategies and selection process.
LEG 500 – Discussion Question for Week 7
Week 7 Discussion “Stare Decisis” and the “Judicial System” Please respond to the following: Define and explain what personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction mean and how these terms are relevant to one who does business in different states. What about a business that engages in international dealings, which court could the business be sued in and why? Provide support for your answers. Each year, the U.S. Supreme Court issues around 100 legal decisions. The decisions are final interpretations of the law because of the Doctrine of Stare Decisis. Explain Stare Decisis and select two U.S. Supreme Court decisions issued in the past 2 years relating to the regulation of business or likely to influence business today and provide your thoughts on whether you agreed or disagreed with the Court’s opinion. Support your position and include your sources for information and cases.
Assignment 4: Evaluation of Agency’s Human Resources Management
As a consultant, you need to develop an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the selected agency’s human resources management system and processes and then provide recommendations for improvement. Therefore, you will conduct interviews with agency representatives and research related academic sources and Websites. The analysis will be read by the VP of Accounts and Client Support as well as by the leaders of the agency for whom you are working. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Analyze three to four (3-4) of the major components of the agency’s human resource system, processes, and performance evaluation plan for hiring and retaining a diversified workforce. (Title this section Human Resource Processes.) Analyze and describe the implications impacting the agency’s current employment trend, growth, and delivery of its products and services. (Title this section Implications of Human Resource Workforce.) Recommend two to three (2-3) managerial and professional skills and competencies required to improve the agency’s workforce by explaining each recommendation, providing reasons each recommendation would bring about improvement, providing two to three (2-3) ways the agency could implement programs in preparation for those skills not visible within the agency’s workforce as a method of promotion and advancement for current employees. (Title this section Succession Planning for Human Resource Management.) Describe the consultant position you are performing by (a) giving it a title; (b) explaining two to three (2-3) major specifications required of the job and how each will be measured in a performance evaluation; and by (c) explaining two to three (2-3) ways this position will be used within the various departments of the agency and for meeting the specific goals / objectives of the agency. (This job description will be provided to the Agency Director who has requested it. As a resource, you are to use the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, located at and published by the U. S. Department of Labor located at (Title this section Job Analysis and Design.) Provide proof of one to two (1-2) interviews submitting the completed interview form with a list of questions for and responses from each interviewee. (Put this in the Appendix under Interview Forms.) Provide four to five (4-5) relevant and credible outside resources that support the content of this assignment. (Include no more than one (1) non-government Website.)
Please follow all the requirements carefully The second assignment is a case
Please follow all the requirements carefully The second assignment is a case study project where you are creating an aerial town design and a powerpoint describing the town that you created.The third assignment is a case study project in which you are creating a sarcophagus design and a powerpoint describing the design.
Hello, I need these 3 questions answered by Tue 10pm EST. No
Hello, I need these 3 questions answered by Tue 10pm EST. No plagiarism at all! I check before turning in so please no plagiarism. 400 words each
MAT 500 – Homework Assignment Week 7
Please see attached document for directions to complete the assignment. Thanks.
Need a 4-5 page paper written analyzing my business (Holistic Health Store)
Need a 4-5 page paper written analyzing my business (Holistic Health Store) the paper need to be in APA format with heading, introduction, body and conclusion, with reference page. There is a outline also added that must be followed that the paper may be as the instructor requires.
Briefly respond to the following 2 discussion questions. Again, proper citations and
Briefly respond to the following 2 discussion questions. Again, proper citations and their corresponding references are required for credible answers to these question. Also please respond to at least another peer’s posting with your critical viewpoints with credible insights. sign question number of ur answer total need 400 words Q1. Critically and briefly discuss the existing economic systems of the United States and its distinctive features from the economic systems of the United kingdom and Japan. Q2. What are the key challenges does the US economy does face in the context of rapid globalization of the new economy? Is the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiation proposed by former President Obama (put on hold now Donald Trump’s Administration) for free trade negotiation with 12 countries compatible with the globalization policy of the US economic Systems? In another words, what are the pros and cons for the TPP in the context of the US economy, if passed and implemented by the US Congress?
Question 1. Discuss current research that links patient safety outcomes to ADN
Question 1. Discuss current research that links patient safety outcomes to ADN and BSN nurses. Based on some real-life experiences, do you agree or disagree with this research? With reference Question 2. What is the difference between a DNP and a PhD in nursing? Which of these would you choose to pursue if you decide to continue your education to the doctoral level? With reference
Need help creating a 15 page slide describing and analyzing my holistic
Need help creating a 15 page slide describing and analyzing my holistic health store. Along with that there need to be a paper that aids in describing the slide. APA format, reference, heading, intro, conclusion.
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