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Biblical Leadership Theme Reports

The student will submit 5-page reports pertaining to the major leadership themes stemming from the
Forrest/Roden textbook reading assignments. paper must contain a title page, 1-page introduction, 3-page
summary analyses of major leadership themes, and a 1-page conclusion and bibliography/reference page.

The report must be in the style format pertaining to the student’s degree program provide a concise summary of 3 major themes per Old Testament. Summarize each theme but more
importantly provide an analysis identifying the reasons why each theme is especially important to you or to

our generation in regards to practicing Godly leadership no matter the context of one’s vocation or location
Source: Biblical Leadership: Theology for the Everyday Leader, Benjamin K Forrest and Chet Roden,

Kregel Academic, 2017
You can look at chapter 1-10 of the Old Testament and pull information if you chose to take a theme from

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