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“biographies” of people and social movements or social events

5) Film As History Paper 2: Imitation Game, Pride, and The Big Short. These films are “biographies” of people and social movements or social events (rather than political or military events). Do these films do “good history”?

Students will view these films and then create a researched and supported argument. The key questions are given above. All of them revolve around the issue of doing “good history.” Each one of them requires an answer to the question and then support of your answer. Why do you say that?

You will not be able to say everything there is to say about these films, so you will want to pick a particular theme or issue (characters, events, idea, etc) and make that the focus of your argument about the films as good historical analyses.


In order to do this and have a verifiable argument, you will need to have a minimum of five sources (three of which MUST be academic sources).

Each argument is to be a minimum of 5 pages (1250 words). This does not include a title page, charts/photos, and bibliography.


Please note, all assignments are to be submitted via the course website, are to be in Times Roman 12pt font, and are to have a title page. All assignments must be submitted as a Word document format and with the correct file name (family name_given name_student number_assignment_number). So, for example, (Menzies_Robert_1234567_paper1.docx) is an acceptable file name. Please use Chicago style (using footnotes). Assignments submitted in an incorrect format will not be graded and, as a result, will receive a grade of 0. Assignments more than 5 days late will not be graded and, as a result, will receive a grade of 0.

It is absolutely vital that you note this class policy: As noted above on p.2, extensions will only be granted for documented medical issues. It is not acceptable to ask for an extension because, “I have lots of assignments due at the same time.” The schedule of the lecture/discussion topics and all assignment dates are within this document, and it is available to you on the first day of classes. This is true of all other courses. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are doing all the work and they are meeting all deadlines. Extensions will ONLY be given for documented medical issues.

Sample Solution

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