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BIOS105 Week 4 iLabCase Study: Nervous SystemBelow is a case study presentaTon of a paTent

I would appreciate some assistance in answering the questions to this case study. It is due Wednesday (23 May) by

midnight.  ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentBIOS105 Week 4 iLabCase Study: Nervous SystemBelow is a case study presentaTon of a paTent with a condiTon covered by one of the chapters you havebeen studying this week.Read the case study and answer the quesTons below.Some quesTons will askfor informaTon not included within this chapter.Use your course text, a medical dicTonary, the Internet,or any other reference material you choose to answer these quesTons.Anna Moore, an 83-year-old female, is admi±ed to the ER with aphasia, hemiparesis on her leF side,syncope, and an altered level of consciousness. Her daughter called the ambulance aFer discovering hermother in this condiTon at home. Mrs. Moore has a history of hypertension, atherosclerosis, anddiabetes mellitus. She was admi±ed to the hospital aFer a MRI revealed an infarct in the R cerebralhemisphere leading to a diagnosis of CVA of the middle cerebral artery.1.What pathological condiTon does Ms. Moore have? Look this condiTon up in a reference sourceand include a short descripTon of it.2.List and de²ne each of the paTent’s presenTng symptoms in the ER.3.³he paTent has a history of three signi²cant condiTons. Describe each in your own words.4.What diagnosTc test did the physician perform? Describe this test and the results in your ownwords.5.What are the three most common causes of a CVA?

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