Business law
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BUS 206 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview: Business law impacts our everyday lives, both personally and professionally. Businesses enter contracts, manufacture goods, s ell services and products, and engage in employment and labor practices — activities that must all adhere to certain laws and regulat ions. Recognizing and evaluating legal issues is a fundamental skill that will help you navigate commercial relationships and avoid potential problems in the business world. Prompt: Imagine yourself as a paralegal working in a law office that has been tasked with reviewing three current cases. You will review the case studies and compose a short report for each, applying your legal knowledge and understanding of the types of business organizations. In each of the three reports, you will focus on areas of law covered in this course. Case Study Two concentrates on contracts and landlord – tenant law. Case Study Two : Sam Stevens lives in an apartment building where he has been working on his new invention, a machine that plays the sound of a barking dog to scare off potential intruders. A national chain store that sells safety products want s to sell Sam ‘ s product exclusively. Although Sam and the chain store never signed a contract, Sam verbally told a store manager several months ago that he would ship 1,000 u nits. Sam comes home from work one day and finds two letters in his mailbox. One is an eviction notice from his landlord, Quinn, telling him he ha s to be out of the apartment in 30 days because his barking device has been bothering the other tenants. It also state s that Sam was not allowed to conduct a business from his apartment. Sam is angry because he specifically told Quinn that he was working on a ne w invention, and Quinn had wished him luck. The second letter is from the chain store, demanding that Sam deliver the promised 1,000 units immediately. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: A. Analyze the elements of this case to determine whether a valid contract exists between Sam and the ch ain store. Support your response by identifying the elements of a valid contract in your analysis. B. Assume there is not a valid contract between Sam and the chain store. Analyze the elements of a quasi – contract and a promissory estoppel to determine whethe r the chain store would prevail on a claim of either. Why or why not? Include support for your analysis. C. Identify the rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant under a standard residential lease agreement. D. Based upon those rights and obligations, does Sam ‘s landlord have grounds to evict ? Why or why not? E. Further, what defenses might Sam raise to an eviction action? Support your response. Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be a one – to two – page Word document with double spacing, 12 – point Times New Roman font, and one – inch margins. Citations should be formatted according to APA style .
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