BUSN 460 Final Presentation Expectations:1 – Make an appropriate introduction of the team
BUSN 460 Final Presentation Expectations:1 – Make an appropriate introduction of the team to the
members of the CanGo board who are assumed to be in the room, present with the team, and are addressed accordingly.
2- Presentation should include a SWOT analysis, observations, and strategic recommendations for CanGo as well as supporting your recommendations with competitive, marketing, and financial data.
3- Presentation is clear, concise, and easy to read. Slides are not busy, use of extraneous graphics/clip art is minimal, presentation template does not distract from information being presented. Presentation content refers to CanGo appropriately, as the Board is in the room. Charts and graphs should be included.
Attached is our power point presentation. Use it and Add/modify the section. The only section you will be working on is Market Analysis (Fatima Salehjee).
My section has my name (Fatima Salehjee) on it -add 3-4 bullet points and create talking points with issue and recommendation.
You have ==ONLY == 1 1/2 minute to present your section – please time yourself
Make it short, sweet but precise and strong. Your talking points should be as if addressing CanGo’s board of directors do not refer them as a third person-more like speaking to them directly. We are selling our services to them.
Ex: do not use organize and prioritize tasks as a solution, instead…
Use: Utilize Gnatt Chart to prioritize and assign tasks with deadlines to keep you on track.
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentA Company for Today: Mastering e-BusinessMastering Businesscenters on CanGo, a fctional Internet startup that retails a variety oFproducts and services, ranging From books and videos to online gaming services. Throughthe collection oF episodes, the CanGo team deals with practical issues oF business in waysrelevant to the realities oF today’s business world.CanGo brings into Focus a variety oF issues important to businesses in general, andparticularly those engaged in the challenging world oF e-commerce. ±or example users:Experience the growing pains oF a new e-Business as Elizabeth struggles to defne themission oF her young company and see it through the process oF launching its IPO.ConFront the implications oF the changing attitudes toward work and resources in thee-commerce world.Encounter compelling examples oF the CanGo team responding to change as itoccurs, Forming the internal and external alliances they need to ensure the frm’shealthy growth.CanGo ResourcesSupporting the CanGo videos is a wealth oF resource material. ±or example:Exercises geared around a CanGo intranet: Several exercises send users to the site,where they read and evaluate strategic plans, mission statements, managementmemos, and other documents.In addition, many exercises include links to the sites oF some oF today’s top businessorganizations. These links enable students to step out oF the fctional world oF CanGoand apply their growing knowledge to the work oF actual frms.Elizabeth is CanGo’s Founder. She’s a smart, enthusiastic, and driven CEO. She canbe intimidating to some employees, but evokes a great deal oF admiration Fromthem as well. She’s a visionary with a very magnetic personality.Andrew is enthusiastic and creative in his work. He keeps his eye on what thecompetition is up to. He loves coming up with cool new ideas, and as Far as CanGois concerned, he’s always thinking, “What are we going to do tomorrow?”Ethel is a very detail-oriented and meticulous accountant. The company depends onher to always consider the potential costs oF all the exciting new ideas at CanGo.She can be counted on to raise important issues and help di²erentiate proftableprojects From those with less potential.

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