Can someone please help me with my homework?
Can someone please help me with my homework? I need to submit the essay and the guideline for the essay is
attached. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentThis assignment is due at the end of Week 2 of the course, Sunday March 12. Scholars concludethat what we ordinarily call religion manifests to some degree the following eight elements: 1) a beliefsystem; 2) community; 3) central myths; 4) rituals; 5) an ethical system; 6) emotional experiences; 7)material expressions of religion; and 8) sacredness.ONLY FOCUS ON 4 FOR EACH SECTION.Please answer the following two questions and introduce each section withHEADERS(upper-case,centered words, such as ELEMENTS IN MY RELIGION & ELEMENTS IN “NEW RELIGION”:)QUESTION 1.Examine to what extent your religious beliefs fall into this pattern. Do some elementshave more weight than others? If you do not have a belief system, interview someone who does andexamine their belief system. Provide enough details to support your answer. Focus on four of the aboveeight elements.QUESTION 2. Then examine one of the “new religions” or alternative paths (Scientology, Falun Gong,Cao Dai, Wicca and Druidism, the Yoruba Tradition–Santería, Voodoo, and Candomble–,Rastafarianism, etc. Feel free to choose among one of these alternatives or another approved by yourinstructor.) that are seen in today’s world and apply the same analysis to their beliefs. Do someelements have more weight than others? Are some totally absent? Provide enough details to supportyour answer and again use four elements (but different than the four used in question 1).This essay should be 3 pages in length. All papers are expected to follow APAguidelines for documentation. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox.Grading CriteriaPointsPossiblePointsAchievedIntroduction ParagraphContains a basic introduction paragraphthat ends with a thesisstatement10Part 1:Header of “Elements in My Religion” isusedApplies four of the eight elements criticallyto your own religion and answers allrelevant questions50Part 2:Header of “Elements in a New Religion”is usedApplies the other four of the eight elementscritically to the selected religion andanswers all relevant questions50MechanicsProper grammar(punctuation, spelling,sentence structure, syntax, voice, and verbtense) is followedAPAis used (if needed)The paper is at least 3 pages(not includingthe cover page and reference page)40TOTAL150

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