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 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentScenario Summary—Is Affirmative Action at Work?Smulderbaum, Hammers & Stein is a 100-year-old law firm specializing in corporatelaw. The firm employs over 100 attorneys; among them are 15 junior partners and fivesenior partners. All of the partners are white men. Out of the 80 remaining attorneys atthe firm, only 20 are female and there is one Asian-American male. The firm is nowsearching for another associate attorney. Recently, the senior partners have been veryvocal about adding more diversity to the firm. Your best friend, Richard (a white male),just graduated at the top of his class from Yale Law School. He received his MBA fromHarvard before attending Yale and interned at several other law firms while he was inlaw school. He also speaks three languages.You recommend Richard to a senior partner, who is ecstatic about having someone ofhis caliber join the firm. Richard is interviewed, along with other candidates, and thesenior partner tells you that everyone loves him. Two weeks later, Susan (a blackwoman), is introduced to the firm as the new Associate.Your Role/AssignmentYou are an associate attorney at the firm. You want to complain about the hiringprocess because you suspect that Susan was hired only as a way to increasediversity. You strongly believe that Richard was overlooked only because he waswhite. Before you take action, you decide to speak with a couple of people in thelaw firm.Based on their responses, decide what the proper course of action shouldbe.Samuel Thompson, Senior Partner”Susan comes highly recommended and has been working incorporate transactions for almost 10 years. She will be an excellent fit in this firm.”Thomas Cleveland, Junior Partner

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View the Answer“We desperately need some diversity in this firm. We have thereputation of being a bunch of stodgy, old, white men. In order to appeal to more clients,we have to change our image. Susan will help us do that.”William Wilkins, Senior Partner”Susan was editor of Columbia Law Review. She graduated magnacum laude and Order of the Coif. She has argued cases before the U.S. Court ofAppeals and is licensed in three states. She will be a tremendous asset to this firm.”Lindsey Kurtz, Junior Associate”Everyone knows that Susan was hired because she’s black. Howelse would someone with a Harvard and Yale background AND who speaks threelanguages be overlooked? It is not fair!”

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