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Which of the following is TRUE regarding the carbohydrates?A.Only monosaccharides are absorbed from the GI

tract into the body.

B.Monosaccharides are the only carbohydrate found naturally in foods.

C.Significant amounts of glycogen are found in plants such as potatoes and rice.

D.Glucose is transported across the intestinal cell membrane by simple diffusion.

Which of the following is accurate?

A.Insulin is the hormone of fasting and helps to raise blood glucose.

B.Insulin is the hormone of fasting and helps to lower blood glucose.

C.Glucagon is the hormone of fasting and helps to raise blood glucose.

D.Glucagon is the hormone of fasting and helps to lower blood glucose.

Which of the following foods has the LOWEST glycemic index?


B.white bread cream

D.French fries

Soluble dietary fibers contain such molecules as 

A.gums and mucilages

B.cellulose and hemicellulose

C. lignans and glycoproteins

A, B, and C are all TRUE.

Why do health professionals encourage the consumption of foods rich in fiber to help in weight reduction?

A.Fiber rich foods tend to be low in fat.

B.Dietary fibers hold water causing bulk and a feeling of fullness.

C.Fermentation products of fiber are rich in calories causing the stimulation of cholecystokinin.

A and B are both TRUE.

A, B, and C are all true.

The number one dietary source of added sugar in the U.S. diet is…..

A.baked goods, such as cookies and pies


C.soft drinks

D.added at the table, such as adding sugar to a bowl of cereal

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