Cardiothoracic surgeon
ENG101 Argument Research Essay Academic year: college freshman Topic Choose a controversial issue that is related to cardiothoracic surgeon Audience Imagine you are writing to people who have the power to change or resolve the issue, e.g., legislators, voters, college governing boards, corporate CEOs, city council, etc., and who are opposed to your opinion on the controversy and/or undecided. Requirements: – Minimum 1,000 words, typed in a Word or Google document. – The essay must have a heading and a title on the first page. – You must obtain information for your essay from at least 5 sources including at least three of the following types: o Respected, professional, unbiased website o Article from a respected, professional journal, magazine or newspaper o Book (hard-copy or e-book) by expert, credentialed author(s) o Interview with an expert in your topic. (The interview can be face-to-face or via email, text or phone conversation.) – You must list all your sources in MLA style in a bibliography titled Works Cited at the end of the essay. – You must quote or paraphrase every source listed in the Works Cited at least once in your essay, and cite all the quotations and/or paraphrases in correct MLA form. Procedure (Note: You don’t necessarily have to do the steps in this order) 1. Decide on your thesis: Your stand or opinion on this issue, or which side of the controversy you’re on. 2. Research your topic, taking notes of the information that you plan to use in the essay, including facts that support your thesis, your opponents’ counter-arguments to your thesis, and facts that refute your opponents’ arguments. 3. Organize (i.e., outline) your essay 4. Write the first draft of your essay to try to persuade your audience to agree with your thesis. 5. After you submit the 1st Draft of your essay in Canvas, check your Turnitin score to make sure you have a score of 0%, which means that none of your essay is plagiarized. If your Turnitin score is higher than 0%, click on the score to find out why Turnitin is indicating plagiarism in your essay, and fix whatever the problem is. Then resubmit the essay in Canvas. 6. Take or submit your first draft to an in-person or online tutor for help with finding & correcting all errors in format, MLA citation, wording and sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 7. Rewrite your draft into as perfect a Final Draft as you can possibly make it. it should be an argumentative essay including first and second draft and the final essay
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