Care Coordination
Introduction-summarize concepts the paper will discuss and state the purpose of the paper
Care Fragmentation-Discuss current challenges with care fragmentation and the impact care fragmentation has on patient outcomes
The IOM and the Role of Nursing-The use of first person is appropriate in this section. Define the 6 aims recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to deliver quality care and provide examples of how you personally meet each aim to deliver healthcare that is:
Discipline Outside of Nursing- Identify a discipline outside of nursing and analyze how collaboration with this discipline can improve patient outcomes and transitions of care
Identify a discipline outside of nursing
Explore the roles and responsibilities of this discipline
Discuss the impact of collaboration
Conclusion – Summarize major concepts of paper. Synthesize thoughts presented in body of paper and relate these to the introduction.
APA formatting and References
• Paper is correct APA format (title page, running head, page numbers, etc.)
• Use correct topical headings
• Use a minimum of 3 current scholarly resources (Less than 5 years)
• Cite references appropriately (APA) throughout paper
• Use APA correctly on reference page
Scholarly writing
• Accurate spelling, scholarly grammar, sentence structure
• Paper clear and organized
• Transitions appropriate
• Length of paper 3-4 pages excluding title page and reference page