Professionalism nursing behavior business employee

I need a one page answer (200+ words) on the topic “Professionalism in nursing and what it means to me” It has to include examples of professional behavior you have seen- it doesn’t have to be in nursing and also unprofessional behavior- also it doesnt have to be in nursing.


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Professionalism nursing behavior business employee was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 7:20 am.
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Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare).

Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare).

Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare). Conduct scholarly research on this organization and write an analysis (2 page minimum) where you describe the association, the type of information that can be obtained from this organization, how this organization can benefit your own workplace, and where the organization might fall short. This isn’t simply copying/pasting information from the organization’s web site. You need to synthesize the information that you find and present this in your own words. All work should follow APA formatting standards. Review the grading rubric for expectations.


smilesmile. .


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The post Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare). appeared first on Top Premier Essays.

Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare). was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 7:09 am.
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Ethansky Only!!!!


 A brief discription of Maritza programs is one that works with women who are reccently released from prison. She is helping with parenting skills and also the stuff that the assignment talks about.

Assignment One

For this Assignment, you will write an essay as if you were Maritza, outlining a plan to work with one client.

In addition to running her group workshops for incarcerated women, Maritza also counsels most of the women individually. Maritza is planning to work with one client intensively, working on building parenting and self-efficacy skills in two one-on-one sessions each week for 6 months. Maritza would like to employ a single system research design to evaluate the effectiveness of this potential intervention.

  1. Identify the most feasible research design for this intervention.

  2. Explain your reasoning for choosing the design.

  3. Discuss at least two practical or ethical constraints in your evaluation.

  4. Discuss at least two threats to validity and how you could address these in your evaluation design.

  5. Perform a web search to find a measurement tool that you believe would yield the best data for this type of research.

  6. Explain why you think this tool will be helpful.

Assignment Guidelines

Explain your reasoning for choosing the design.

  • A title page

  • The body of the essay (1000–1200 words; the word count does not include the title or reference page)

  • Use standard margins: 1″ on all sides

  • Use standard 12-point font size, Times New Roman or Arial

  • Use standard double-spacing

  • Use left-aligned text, do not right-justify

    Assignment 2

    I uploaded the other assignment template for you!



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Ethansky Only!!!! was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 6:46 am.
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Ethansky Only!!!! was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 6:57 am.
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Psychology assignment assistance

This discussion assignment has two components. First, choose an article from the popular news media (i.e., an article that might appear on a website meant for the general public, NOT a peer-reviewed academic article) that misinterprets correlation as causation. Why is the author’s interpretation of the topic a mistake?

For the second portion of this assignment, choose one of the articles that you have read for your final project. Describe how the results from one of the articles (preferably a correlation) could be misinterpreted and misconstrued by a news source. What might the misleading headline be, and why would it be misleading?


“Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Code “Newclient”

The post Psychology assignment assistance appeared first on Psychology Homework.

Psychology assignment assistance was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 6:48 am.
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