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Closely read the following article.

Create a post based on the article that you read identifying what kinds of bias might influence the study results and/or where the background of the researcher might influence their perceptions.

You will see posts of others only after you have created yours. Your post is due by Sunday, 11:59 p.m.. When examining research for the influence of bias or personal/political agendas, examine the following questions.

  • What is the source? Who is making the claim? What is their academic background? Who may be funding the research? Is there any sign of external influence that may color the results – intentionally or not.
  • Could bias contaminate the conclusion? Bias consists of evaluating information through preset ideas, attitudes and beliefs, rather than on the presented evidence, including these common types: emotional bias, in which fears and hopes precede clear thinking; and confirmation bias, in which people remember events that seem to confirm beliefs, without regard to the facts.
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Compare and contrast the healthcare policies of United States and Canada.

Once you have thoroughly analyzed the health policy information for your chosen country, answer the following questions:

What is the main focus of the policy standard in this (chosen) country?

What are the similarities to the U.S. healthcare system?





How does the U.S. healthcare system differ in terms of policy?

Where do you foresee the U.S. healthcare system in the future (long-/short- term)? ( Review from one of the the following perspectives: the provider, the patient, or other stakeholders)

Summarize the meaning of universality in U.S. health policy versus your chosen country. (Include your research on the future of the U.S. healthcare system)

The paper must be at 3 pages typed APA style

There must be 3 scholarly sources.

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