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You are working with the press office of a newly elected government official. The press office asked you to prepare a three to five paragraph briefing statement (summary introduction) for a post-election question to the winning candidate:

How will your administration ensure that Digital Government services are secure?

This question can be asked of any winning candidate (federal, state, or local) that will oversee a government organization offering digital government services (you should not address any single candidate or party).

Your briefing statement must provide enough information that the winning candidate understands key terms as defined by you for the press question:

What is meant by “Digital Government services?” (previously called “e-Government” services)

Where have past administrations fallen short in protecting Digital Government / e-Government services?

What is meant by “Threats” (i.e. individual hackers, politically motivated hacktivists, criminal enterprises, and unfriendly “nation state” actors)

If you need help getting started, read this article:

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.

Remember, you are preparing a briefing statement for the candidate who will answer the question, you are not answering as the candidate.

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Anne is 10 years old and lives in a major metropolitan U.S. city and is currently in the 4th grade. Today, during gym class, Anne’s teacher notices several large bruises on all of Anne’s arms and legs and that her clothing is torn and dirty. When the teacher questions Anne about how she got the bruises, Anne replies “I fell on the playground.” The teacher reports the bruising to the school principal. The teacher and principal request Anne’s mother attend a conference after school.

During the conference, Anne’s mother is difficult to communicate with. She appears to be intoxicated, but denies having had anything to drink. She is also very defensive, states that Anne is a clumsy, lazy child and that Anne lies to get attention. The mother denies that anyone has physically hurt Anne. During the conference, Anne sits next to her mother but does not make eye contact with anyone in the room, nor does she speak. When questioned as to why Anne’s father could not attend the conference, Anne’s mother replies that he was too tired because he works two jobs and has to sleep during the day. Anne and her mother leave the conference and Anne is not in school the next day.

In 2-3 paragraphs, using your own words:

  • List 3 signs and/or symptoms of possible child abuse and neglect with respect to Anne.
  • List 3 risk factors present in Anne’s family that could contribute to abuse.
  • What do you think would be the best course of action for Anne regarding treatment, placement, and services?
  • When responding to peers, consider whether you agree with the course of action suggested by your peers. Why might that be the best course of action, or why might another action be more appropriate. Provide support for your choices.
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Based on the attached research question assignment. Write a research paper on the topic. The paper should be between 10-12 pages, not including the cover page, reference list, and any appendices. The assignment must follow the Chicago Style Manual guidelines. Refer to Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press found at… Follow the APA Format as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the University All written submissions should be submitted in Times New Roman 12 pt font with 1” margins, typewritten in double-spaced format.

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Please describe the differences and similarities of 3 valuation approaches: NPV, Free Cash Flow, and Dividend models. Also include the circumstances in which each method might be used. 300 words limit.

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