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Having completed your Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services, you are preparing to interview for your first professional position with your brand new degree. You did not complete an internship as part of your degree program. In a 1-2 page paper address the following:

What questions do you believe that you will most likely be asked during the interview and how will you respond to those questions? Discuss how you will market yourself as a serious candidate for the profession without having completed an internship? Be specific. Give examples. APA Style at least one Reference

Bringing Experience


One of the major challenges for a recently graduated human services’ student is convincing a potential employer to take a gamble by hiring someone who may have no experience in the profession. When evaluating potential job candidates, employers will often look at the candidate’s perceived commitment to the profession. A job candidate who has engaged in volunteer work of his/her own volition looks far more appealing than the candidate who has not. When a student enters the profession having completed an internship, he/she has an advantage of having already worked in the profession. Sometimes completing and internship is not an option. When such is the case, human service students need to be creative in finding alternative ways to seek exposure to the profession. Even if a student only volunteers for a few hours a week this can make a difference in an employer’s decision to hire a job candidate.

Job Interview

For some, preparing for a job interview can be an unnerving experience. A well-rehearsed and well-practiced interview can alleviate some of the stress associated with pre-interview anxiety. A potential candidate should take time to research the position for which he/she is interviewing. Conversely, the candidate should be prepared to answer questions about him/herself including commentary about personal strengths, weaknesses, skills, assets. The job candidate should be prepared to offer specific examples in response to interview questions. Professional attire, eye contact, and other non-verbal body language should also be taken into consideration. When preparing for an interview, a candidate should review websites and other professional resources to regarding how to prepare for a job interview. Similarly, the same consideration should be given to preparing a resume.

Continued Learning

Once in the profession, the new worker’s education is just beginning. Many new to the profession falsely believe that have now mastered all the knowledge necessary to function effectively in the profession. Practical experience, however, cannot be learned in a book and there is no substitute for actual hands-on experience.

Chances are very likely that during the course of the worker’s employment in the field, different treatment models and practices will emerge. The worker and agency for whom he/she is employed are both responsible for keeping abreast of current practices within the field. Workers should be provided with opportunities for continuing education through, conferences, seminars, in-house training and collaboration with other human service agencies in the community. Some agencies have a budget for continuing education, while other agencies may be required to provide X number of training hours per year are part of their credentialing requirements.

New employees interviewing for jobs within the human services filed should inquire regarding the agency’s opportunities for continuing education. Throughout their careers, human service workers should set and revise professional goals. With an increase in professional goals and ambitions sometimes change. This is a normal part of career development and professionals can adjust their goals to meet their professional ambitions.

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The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts:

  1. How companies use digital and social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal.
  2. How digital media has transformed the communication of idea, information, and arguments in society.

Project Description
The use of digital media has transformed how companies communicate with their customers. The use of the websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs has shaped current day communication strategies.

Project Requirements
Select a company that utilizes digital or social media to communicate with customers to complete Section 1.

NOTE 1: You are required to complete ALL THREE SECTIONS of this project (Sections 1, 2, and 3).

Provide the following information about the company you select:

Item 1: What is the name of the company?
Item 2: What year was the company established?
Item 3: What is the company’s goal or mission?
Item 4: What products and services does the company offer or provide?
Item 5: Provide the company website address (URL).
Item 6: How many employees does the company employ?
Item 7: Where is the company’s headquarters located?
Item 8: What are the company’s most recent earnings?

Section 1 Source: Include at least one source for Section 1. Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your Reference page.

How does the company use Digital and Social Media to communicate with their customers?

Item 1: List all of the digital and social media platforms the company uses to communicate with customers (including websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs).
Item 2: Describe how the company uses each digital and social media listed in Item 1 above to achieve their goals or mission.

Section 2 Source: Include at least one source for Section 2. Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your References page.

Provide an example of how the company uses digital and or social media to accomplish an objective (e.g. to address a serious public relations issue, promote a cause, market a product, achieve strategic advantage by using Big Data, or promote an event).

Item 1: Describe the situation or example in detail.
Item 2: How successful was the company in accomplishing the objective? Support your answer.
Item 3: List one thing the company could have done better to accomplish their objective.
Item 4: If you decide to discuss the company’s use of Big Data to achieve strategic advantage, does their use of Big Data concern you as a potential customer? Why or why not?

To help you with completing Section 3, we have provided two sample topics below:

Section 3 Example 1: Target’s Data Breach

Target’s December 2013 data breach was a public relations nightmare, but the company responded swiftly over social media, posting safety guidelines on Twitter and keeping an open dialog with its aggrieved customers.

Section 3 Example 2: Target’s Use of Big Data

Target is renowned in the industry for its data collection practices. Target maintains a customer relationship management database which includes information from in-store purchases (they link all of your purchases to a unique customer identifier) and data they collect externally (e.g. data from Facebook and other sources). Combine the two data streams and Target can predict, with high degree of certainly, what your gender is, where you live, how far you travel to work, your relationship status, and they can even tell if you are pregnant, and if so, when you are due. The amount of money spent each year in pregnancy-related purchases is tremendous. In efforts to win the market share in this profit area, Target has hired a team of statisticians to perform predictive analysis. The goal, in this particular situation, is to predict which women are expecting (or soon to be), without asking them directly, by analyzing their purchasing behavior (e.g. cribs, baby clothes, prenatal vitamins, etc.). This way Target can “target” this particular demographic (with coupons, discounts, and other offers) very early, thus getting a jump on the competition.

Section 3 Sources: Include at least two sources for Section 3. Include the two sources as in-paper citations and on your References page. At least one source should be professional or scholarly.

Paper Requirements
1. Your paper must follow APA format guidelines throughout.
(A sample APA template for you to use is attached to the bottom of this page).

  1. Double-spaced
  2. 1 inch Margins
  3. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman).
  4. Header
  5. Automatic Page numbers
  6. Title page
  7. Reference page

2. Length: Minimum of 1,500; Maximum of 2,000 words.
(Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count toward the total word count).

3. Include one Image
Include at least one table, graph, or image of an appropriate size that is relevant and supports the information provided in your paper. Feel free to create the image if you like.

5. References Page
Your References page must be APA formatted.

6. Sources: Include at least Four (4) Sources (Total)

  • Include at least One (1) Source for Section 1.
  • Include at least One (1) Source for Section 2.
  • Include at least Two (2) Sources for Section 3. At least one of the two sources must be a Professional or Scholarly Source.

Clarification: Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of professional sources include: trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMUC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there.

NOTE 5: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts, blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use of digital and social media.

7. Setup & Organization
Your paper must include the following pages and Level 1 Headings:

  1. Cover Page
  2. Company Profile (Section 1)
  3. Digital and Social Media Use (Section 2)
  4. Analysis (Section 3)
  5. Reference Page
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I have to write an essay about Bush and I want to wow the audience with funny/unknown facts about him. ANYTHING that would keep a bunch of immature 7th graders entertained/interested. Please and thank you.

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According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Imagine that you have been appointed as Apple’s Chief Compliance Officer and must prepare a presentation for Apple’s suppliers regarding Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct. To prepare for your presentation, review Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct, located at Next, you must submit a four to six (4-6) page paper.

In addition, you must also create a presentation using PowerPoint (or other equivalent software) summarizing the important changes and explanations regarding the code of conduct that you communicated in your presentation to email to the suppliers after the meeting for future reference.

You must submit both parts of the assignment to receive full credit.

Part 1: Paper

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. List specific changes that Apple has made to its Code of Conduct in recent years. Provide at least one (1) example of each change.
  2. Explain the identified changes to the suppliers in such a way that they will understand the standards that Apple requires in order to maintain their relationship with the company.

Part 2: PowerPoint Presentation

Create a six to eight (6-8) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  1. Summarize Apple’s Supplier Responsibility information.
  2. Discuss Apple’s stance on each of the following areas:
    1. Empowering workers
    2. Labor and Human Rights
    3. Health and Safety
    4. The Environment
    5. Accountability
  1. Identify the key ways that Apple’s Progress Report has changed since last year.
  2. Examine the manner in which Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.
  3. Provide detailed speaker notes of what you would say if you were delivering the presentation.
  4. Submit a reference page with at least two (2) quality references that you have used for this presentation / paper. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

If you choose the written paper, your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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