Questions Uploads


Review the Wiedmer article regarding workplace bullying.

Develop a two- to three-page APA- formatted paper that responds to the following:

  • Provide a review of the article. Describe the impact of workplace bullying on both the victims and the organization.
  • Reflect on a time when you may have witnessed workplace bullying. Discuss at least two practices of workplace bullying addressed in the article that were applicable to your scenario.
  • Recommend at least two techniques from the article that management should implement to provide a positive impact on workplace bullying. Support your response with additional information from the textbook or additional research.

Your paper must be two to three pages (not including title and reference pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. You must cite two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

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Write a 1-2 page summary about the grades given for the condition of the US water and wastewater infrastructure. Why were those grades given, what are the problems (give examples), what needs to be done, and what type of investment is needed to improve the scores? (See “Assignments” section to upload to Bb).

Please use 12-font, single space. Upload to SafeAssign (Target Score should be less than 15%). Work should be original, no cut and paste, and should be done individually. Please cite any sources you may use. APA style.

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Using your annotated bibliography and references as a guide, write a rough draft of your Psychology Research Paper.

Your paper must be 3 pages in length, not including a title page and reference page. The paper must not only describe current trends within your topic area, but you should demonstrate how your topic relates to the broad field of psychology. It should contain a strong thesis statement supported by research from at least 3 different sources. Include both in-text citations and a References page in APA format.

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