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Please respond to the following

  • Imagine you are seeking information on a new car that you are thinking of buying. Determine the level of trust that you would place in information provided by the following: a salesman at the car lot, the dealer’s Website, social media (i.e. Facebook), an associate from work, and finally a close friend. Discuss the key factors involved in assessing the amount of trust that you put into each.
  • If you were in a position to persuade another person, explain whether or not you would slant information in such a way as to make your point seem more credible if you sincerely believed that your position was correct. Discuss the primary ethical dilemmas that this scenario could cause for both you and the person whom you are trying to persuade.
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Please follow the directions on each uploaded document. In addition, I will also provide my e-book information, for the source.

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Please write a 1-2 page essay answering all parts of the following question. Feel free to use material and ideas from throughout Chapter 4. However, if you choose to use any direct quotes from the chapter then please remember to properly cite that material using MLA format.Please summarize and explain one of the arguments for the existence of God presented in Chapter 4. What is the problem of evil and in what ways does the problem of evil challenge this argument. Which view, if either, do you find more compelling and why? book Philosophy: A Text with Readings (13th edition) by Manuel Velasquez.

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Questions to consider in a critical analysis of an article (not all of these may be applicable to every article; consider them all, but focus on the questions that seem most helpful in understanding the article in question):

What is the initial observation or problem that motivates the writer?

What question is the author trying to answer in this article?

How does she engage with the arguments or research of other scholars?

What kind of data or evidence does she gather to try to answer it?

How does each section of the article contribute to her overall discussion?

What are the main points of the argument, and how do they fit together to support her conclusions?

How well does the author support these conclusions, given the limitations of what can be known about the subject?

What do you find interesting or useful about her approach?

What issues are not addressed?

What are some possible ways this argument could be applied to other

examples of art and culture? In other words, what does this teach us

about art and culture in general?

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