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MSC102 Human Relations in Business Critical Thinking Assignment

MSC102: Human Relations in Business

Critical Thinking Assignment

Read the following document on Management and Leadership. It will provide an insight and starting point in developing an approach to your analysis:

Management and LeadershipView in a new window (click to view)
(Reference Chapters 1, 5 and 8)

Critical Thinking Grade Criteria/Rubric View in a new window(link)

Submit your completed Critical Thinking assignment using the Assignment Inbox below: (Load C01 Critical Thinking Assignment in a new window)

Critical Thinking: Management and Leadership

Create a report that addresses the most important issues you have identified in the case and how they can be addressed currently and avoided in the future.

Do not just restate the facts of the case or answer the questions; discuss the importance of relevant issues and how they can be addressed/incorporated into a business solution.

Successful Critical Thinking Exercise will be three (3) to five (5) pages in length and incorporate the information and knowledge gained in the course addressing the areas defined in the Analysis Questions.

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In this exercise, we will compare doing an analysis on the same data in Excel and SAS, and then report on our analysis.The data that we will use for this analysis is called BASEBALL, and the analysis we will do is an ANOVA.

An ANOVA is a set of statistical methods used mainly to compare the means of two or more samples. Estimates of variance are the key intermediate statistics calculated, hence the reference to variance in the title ANOVA.

Please watch the video linked to this module for detailed instructions. In general, you are going to:

  1. Open SAS
  2. Find the BASEBALL data
  3. Explore the BASEBALL data
  4. Select the ANOVA task
  5. Perform an ANOVA on the BASEBALL data looking at player position (1B, 2B, and 3B) and player salaries. Are they salaries of these three positions statistically different in the given data set?
  6. Download the “BASEBALL.xlsx” data set from this assignment (It should be the same data as is located in the SAS files).
  7. Download the “Business Memo Template.docx”.
  8. Open Excel. If you have not already done so, enable the Data Analysis tools in Excel.
  9. Open the BASEBALL.xlsx data file in Excel.
  10. Prepare the data for analysis in Excel (Excel requires the data be in columns)
  11. Perform an ANOVA on the BASEBALL data looking at player position (1B, 2B, and 3B) and player salaries. Are the salaries of these three positions statistically different in the given data set?
  12. Compare the results from both Excel and SAS.
  13. Open Word. Open the “Business Memo Template.docx” file and prepare your report. Your report should not exceed two pages, have at least one table, and one graphic. The last paragraph should be a recommendation on the pay for these players. Be creative, but use information from your analysis to support your recommendation.
  14. Save your Word file as “LastName DAX4” without the quotation marks. The file extension will be added automatically. For example, my file would be “Bohler DAX3.docx”. Again, ignore the quotation marks in the instructions.
  15. Upload your completed Business Memo to this assignment.
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Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership styles at the beginning of the class, as a basis for class learning.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment

Take the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment.

Create a 1,400-word analysis based on the assessment, text, video, and any other information you wish including:

  • Explain how you view your strengths and weaknesses, along with a development plan to address both.
  • Be specific, and explain your rationale based on the text and video, with cited evidence.

You will use this assignment as a reference for the assignments in Weeks 2-6. You will be required to take the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment listed in the Resources.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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I’m looking for two pages

at least 10 references based-research (studies) no older than 2005.

APA style

I will provide outlines

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