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Option #1: The Complete Procurement Management Process

NOTE: This option will focus on procurement from the procurement management perspective and will include discussion and analysis of project management.

For this option, you will write a paper presenting a complete procurement management process. The paper will be based on the procurement practices of an organization you have researched. The elements you must include are:

  1. Requirements – Planning the procurement
  2. Requisitions – Conducting the procurement
  3. Solicitations – Requesting seller response
  4. Awards – Selecting sellers
  5. Administration
  6. Contracts, Incentives and Risks
  7. Quality and Closure

You are building on the work you’ve completed in the discussion forums and Critical Thinking Assignments. Be sure to incorporate feedback you have received along the way.

Your paper must have:

  • An introduction. Use your introduction to summarize and define your topic, including a clear statement of the procurement goal.
  • A discussion or body that must include:
    • A discussion of the implications of proposed solutions for procurement and contracts.
    • A discussion of how procurement works within project teams to facilitate the needs of projects.
    • Your evaluation and conclusions regarding possible methods of managing or addressing the problem raised by your opinion on the issues (supported by research). Relate your paper to larger (broader) procurement and contract management issues as found in the course readings.
    • Current, relevant research from at least six to eight credible sources that are not used as readings in this course. At least three references must be peer-reviewed, scholarly sources, and the rest may be trade or professional procurement management sources. You may certainly use your textbook and course readings, but these do not count as part of the required six to eight sources. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find your resources. Cite and reference all sources used.
    • The paper is expected to provide a thoughtful analysis on the topic. You are encouraged to add your own opinions, but these should be carefully considered and supported by evidence or outside rationale.
  • A conclusion.

Can you please make it 11

Paper should be 10 to 11 pages in length (not counting the cover and reference pages that you must include) and conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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watch the video below about extraneous variables and then in a 1-2 page paper address the following:

Explain your understanding of the extraneous variable.

Describe a scenario where the existence of an extraneous variable could skew the results of a study.

Discuss the variables being examined and explain how an extraneous variable can interfere with study’s results.

Be specific. Give examples.

Be sure to proofread your work to eliminate spelling and grammar errors. Paper should be in APA format.

at least one reference APA style

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Write a 3 page journal in 12 font and MLA format. The first 2 pages should be the essay and the third page should be the reference page.

Ritzer argues that with McDonaldization, technologies, including “machines and tools, materials, skills, knowledge, rules, regulations, procedures, and techniques” (p. 89), control us. Without using direct quotes, this assignment requires you to do the following:

  • Summarize Ritzer’s definition of control by non-human technologies, including a description of what he means by non-human technologies.
  • Next, think of one area of your life, such as your job, banking, your education, a leisure activity, etc and how that statement may apply to that activity as you experience it. NOTE: Do not choose one of the areas described in the textbook.
  • Based on your reflection, do you agree with Ritzer’s argument?
  • Do you feel that, as an employee, student, or customer, you are overly controlled by non-human technologies in this activity?

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a paper of the advantages of technology or about the importance of technology in contemporary life. You need to focus on the dimension of McDonaldization called control, in one area of your own life.

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