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Spreading Innovation

An organization may be generally amenable to innovations but not ready or willing to assimilate a particular [Evidence-Based Practice] EBP …If there is tension around specific work or clinical issues and staff perceive that the situation is intolerable, a potential EBP is likely to be assimilated if it can successfully address the issues and thereby reduce the tension.
—Titler, 2010

Adoption of evidence-based innovations in nursing practice is a critical facet of promoting quality and safety. As a nurse leader-manager, you play a pivotal role in evaluating these innovations and promoting those that will positively impact outcomes.

To prepare:

  • Review the information on diffusion of innovation presented in the Learning Resources.
  • Visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Qualities’ Innovation Exchange website (listed in the Learning Resources). Click on “Innovations & Quality Tools” or “Browse by Subject” then read through a selection of descriptions of innovations.
  • Evaluate how each of these innovations addresses a problem, and determine if you could integrate the innovation (or a similar one) into your organization or one with which you are familiar.
  • Select one of the innovations on which to focus for this Discussion. Think about how you might introduce this innovation in your selected organization, and strategies that you might use to facilitate communication and engagement needed to sustain the innovation.

By Day 3

Post a detailed review of one innovation that you found of particular interest on the AHRQ Innovation Exchange. Explain the problem being addressed, the innovation, and the outcomes and how you might introduce a similar innovation in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Outline strategies you would employ to sustain the innovation.

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Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to practice stock valuation problems and to locate financial information on the Internet, which can be used to expand their knowledge of how stocks behave.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Stock Valuation Template

Calculate the following stock valuation problems:

  • Company X is paying an annual dividend of $1.35 and has decided to pay the same amount forever. How much should you pay for the stock, if you want to earn an annual rate of return of 9.5% on this investment?
  • You want to purchase common stock of Company X and hold it for 7 years. The company just announced they will be paying an annual cash dividend of $6.00 per share for the next 9 years. How much should you pay for the stock, if you will be able to sell the stock for $28 at the end of seven years and you want to earn an annual rate of return of 11% on this investment?

Select one of the companies studied by one of the group members in Week 3.

Search the Internet for financial information about the company selected.

Evaluate the following in a 525-word response:

  • The connection between the value of shares and dividends. This is my part. (Word count between 100-150)

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Informal Response 1 – In a page and a half explain

1what film you’ve enjoyed so far or disliked so far. Why/why not?

2What concept or concepts have you found the most interesting or helpful?

I Choose film” Go”, That is mine most interesting film. This is the link for the movie, I will pay for movie rental fee, 2.99. The price will included.

And I will upload the ppt for this class, you can take a look, maybe help for the question.

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Generating and Screening Product Ideas

All the requirements in the 2 attached files.

Please read it carefully and follow the instructions.

1 to 2 pages will be enough.

Please I want professional and plagiarism free work.

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