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In his essay “The Question Concerning Technology,” Heidegger claims that technology is a

mode of revealing, with modern technology in particular revealing nature as standing-reserve.

Do information technologies like cell phones, social media, and the like, constitute a new mode

of revealing? First, give a brief presentation of Heidegger’s analysis of modern technology. Then,

either a) argue that information technology reveals nature in a way other than as standing-reserve

or b) argue that information technology reveals nature in the same way as modern technology

more generally. 500 words, Use MLA or Chicago-Turabian formatting and citation guidelines.

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Online Lesson Plan on Cultural Diversity to focus on

  • Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice
  • Oppression & Aggregate Populations
  • Religion and Spirituality

The content must address

Culture Diversity Issues

Genetics,Geography,religion,lifestyle,opression,aggregate population, and Nursing care


a. Three learning objectives

b. Ten point outline for the content of a slide presentation.

c. Active Learning Exercise to be completed.-group learning- create a case study to help develop critical thinking and team work skill.Case studies represent an in-depth analysis of a real-life situation as a way to illustrate class content. According to Billings and Halstead (2016), case studies apply didactic content and theory to real life, simulated life, or both (p. 255). Case studies stimulate cognitive knowledge, retention and recall, in addition they help to tie the theory of the content into the practical real world. Case studies can also provide problem solving in a safe environment prior to actually having the situation in real life with a patient. So for example a patient comes into the ER with chest pains but does not speak English,speaks Spanish only.This patient is also 7day adventist.

d. Five multiple choice test items with answers and rationales

. There is to be a minimum of two current (2005 or later) peer reviewed journal articles cited.

Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2016). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty(5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

DeYoung, S. (2015). Teaching strategies for nurse educators(3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Iwasiw, C. L. (2015). Curriculum development in nursing education(3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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Please based on the job description and following requirement as follows:

1) Include the position for which you are recruiting.

2) Identify the two most appropriate places from that you would use to recruit and how you would do so. Think about the work and expense of sorting through hundreds of applications if you use a site like It may be worth it but you must consider the cost and time. Remember, it is not as simple as posting an ad in the newspaper or on Craigslist.

3) Design a selection process. Will you accept applications and/or resumes? Will you require letters of recommendations, names of references? What types of assessments will you use and why, a capability, personality or cognitive test? Will you use drug testing, background check and why? Are you going to interview all candidates? Some? How will you determine how many you will interview? How will you choose? How many interviews will you conduct for each candidate?

4) Please include ten legally defensible interview questions (every follow-up question counts as a question) including behavioral questions that cover all areas of inquiry. Use your questions wisely. For example, why ask about level of education when you can read that on the resume/application. Your questions should be probative.

5) Please follow the assignment format above and address all questions in #3.

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